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Release 7.0

Sales Person Customers

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scSalesPersonCustomers sc-sales-person-customers

This widget allows a salesperson to decide to buy for himself or to buy on behalf of one of his customers when logged in with their web account.  When the salesperson is an executive salesperson they can also search and add new customers to work with.

Once the salesperson selects an associated client from the listing they will see that customer's Ecommerce account. When working on behalf of an associated client, the salesperson can see and perform functions based on the salesperson's web account permissions. 

Please note that the Administrator permission is disabled when working on behalf of a client.


Sample Views

1- Sales Person Customers

When a sales person logs in they will see a listing of their associated customers. If the customer has an active cart they will see the Has Shopping Cart icon. The listing can be sorted by any of the available fields.  If the sales person is an executive sales person they may also relate new customers to their account.

2- Associate Customer Modal
When an executive sales person chooses to associate a new customer to their account this modal will help them choose the correct record(s).
3- Work On Behalf Modal
When a sales person logs into the (CMS) web site they may choose to work on behalf of a client or (with permission) on behalf of themselves.  If the sales person choose to work on behalf of a customer they will also be able to choose if the cart should merge and/or if they want to choose different contact to work with. When a sales person logs into an Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) site they may choose which client to pay invoices on behalf of.
4- Work On Behalf Modal - Select Contact
If the sales person choose to work on behalf of a client, but wants to use a different contact the screen will display the contacts related to that client.  Here, the sales person can choose the contact to use.
Display only contacts with web account
Defines whether or not the application will filter contacts that are displayed when the Sales Person selects to work with a company customer.
Check to Allow User to Work with Contact Zero
Determines if the sales person can select contact zero to work on behalf of.  If contact zero is enabled, and the Sales Person/Customer relation was created with contact zero, then in the select modal the option to "Select to work with another contact" will be optional.
Allowed Countries
Profile > Settings
Allows you to set those countries which are restricted/allowed.
Order Header Commission Information
Sales > Settings
Defines which commission code will be used. 
Contact Type restriction
Profile > Setting
Who’s Who Contact Type Codes can restrict the display of Contacts within My Account on the web site.
Enable preferences cookies
Web Site > Cookies
Enable preferences cookies (used to save web user preferences like page size, sort by, search mode, delimiter, and layout mode).
Paging display mode
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The options are:
  • Enable user to change the number of records per page
  • Show fixed records per page
  • No paging
Number of products per page - On Grid
Web Site > Paging Configuration
Define the numbers of products the to display per page in Grid Mode.
Default page size - On Grid
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The default page size when viewing products in grid mode.
Number of products per page - On List
Web Site > Paging Configuration
Define the numbers of products the to display per page in List Mode.
Default page size - On List
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The default page size when viewing products in list mode.
Configure paging for grid and list mode
Web Site > Paging Configuration

Internal setting to switch configuration between list and grid mode settings.

Sales Person Continue Buying for Yourself
With this permission, a sales person may choose to shop and buy items from your site for their own use. Without this permission they may not shop on behalf of themselves and instead shop only on behalf of their related clients.

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