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Payment Provider Connections

Connections are used to configure a connection to the Gateway. This link allows the program to gather and display information on your credit card payments. There are three maintenance options for connections. Payment Provider Connections may be filtered by Connection Name and/or sorted by Connection Name, Partner ID, Vendor ID, or User.

Notice that the connection name in the Payment Processing Console will be the same as defined in PQ67SYS1 (JD Edwards Settings Application).  When an order is placed in JD Edwards the system uses the Sales Order Header Branch Plant (MCU) or Branch Plant defined in processing option values of the version executed, Sales Order Payment Instrument (RYIN) or Payment Instrument defined in processing option values of the version executed, Sales Order Transaction Currency Code (CRCD) or Currency Code defined in processing option values of the version executed and the login environment and searches the PQ67SYS1 settings to fetch the connection name to be used for the transaction. If no matching record is found a second attempt is made using RYIN, CRCD, Login Environment and the MCU equal to <BLANK>.  When it finds a match, this connection name is used to make the connection and communicate with the payment gateway.


If you ever change your Gateway password you will need to change it in the Payment Provider Connections as well!



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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.