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Retail Point Of Sale

Release Notes

Logging Into Retail Point of Sale Native Client

The SmarterCommerce POS application should only be accessed through the POS Client.  Accessing the SmarterCommerce POS application outside of the appropriate SmarterCommerce POS Client is not supported.

The SmarterCommerce POS Client interacts directly with device hardware more easily and efficiently. Each POS client is equivalent in functionality but each targets a different operating system: Windows, Android and Apple IOS. Please review the Minimum Technical Requirements related to your release of the SmarterCommerce POS Solution.  The POS clients allow you to use the Point of Sale web application in a frame-boxed environment giving the impression of running a native “App” instead of navigating in a web browser. These native client applications also offer the ability to configure the credit card device reader needed to capture and transmit the necessary information.

POS Native Client Settings

Before you begin using the SmarterCommerce POS Client there are three settings to configure as described below.


Field / Button



The Server URL where POS is installed

Card Reader

If a credit card reader will be used (and is defined in the Payment Processing Console) the device will be assigned here

Pole Display

If a pole display will be used it will be defined here

Once the client is configured the login window provides the initial access to the POS client workstation for every POS user that will be utilizing a specific cash register.  Depending on configuration, multiple users can access the same cash register by simply opening additional sessions. Each POS user must provide their own correct credentials. To begin a new session enter your Username and Password.  You may also need to enter the Store and Register information which can be found in the Change Preferences drop-down section. Once you have entered all the information press Login.

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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.