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Release 7.0

Shopping Cart

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scShoppingCart sc-shopping-cart
Shopping cart widget lets an authenticated or unauthenticated web user view products that have been added to the cart for purchase. Pricing seen in the cart will be impacted by any promotion code that has been applied. 
This functionality is used to display the shopping cart in a top bar view. This view is used to render shopping cart items: # of Products in cart and total product amount.

Sample Views

1- Floating
2- Added to Cart Notification
When an item is successfully added to the cart a notification is displayed.
Display items information
Display or hide the saved cart list information on popup.
Checkout URL
Required when Display products information is turned on. Defines the URL for Checkout process page. (URL is required)
Check to redirect unauthenticated user directly to Guest Checkout page
Defines if unauthenticated users are directly redirected to Guest Checkout page. If this option is not selected, on checkout the unauthenticated user will be redirected to Login page where the user can decide to login or continue as a guest.
Guest Checkout URL
Defines the URL for Guest Checkout process page. Displayed only when option to redirect directly to Guest Checkout option is selected.
Link to Product Content
Defines the URL for Product Content page. The Product Content widget contains Product Detailed availability/Product Replacements/Product Configurator views. (URL is required)
Max items lines display
From all items in cart, display only first n items. Default will be 5 items.  If the value is 0 the all items are displayed.
Check to Display Terms and Conditions

When checked the page where Terms and Conditions will be displayed. 

This functionality is used to display a full listing of all items in the shopping cart. Pricing in the shopping cart may be impacted by Promo codes.

Sample Views

1- Shopping Cart - Tabular Display Mode

All products that have been added to the shopping cart can be viewed as well as:

Link to Product Content page is available

User can apply a Promotion code

User can edit quantity and/or Unit of Measure

Terms and conditions are displayed

Item price break down information is available

Share shopping cart by email option

Save the Cart option

View Cross/Up Selling Products

Request/Add to Quote

2- Shopping Cart - Content Display Mode

All products that have been added to the shopping cart can be viewed as well as:

Link to Product Content page is available

User can apply a Promotion code

User can edit quantity and/or Unit of Measure

Terms and conditions are displayed

Item price break down information is available

Share shopping cart by email option

Save the Cart option

View Cross/Up Selling Products

Request/Add to Quote

3- Shopping Cart Empty State
When the user accesses the cart and it is empty, the user will see an empty state view like the one shown below. This has two actions as suggestions.
4- Price Breakdown Modal
The price breakdown allows the user to see exactly how the price was derived.  
5- Share by Email Modal
BY pressing the Share by Email action the user can share their cart with an email recipient.  They may also choose to send themselves a copy.
6- Create Saved Cart Modal
If the user is logged into a company (not individual) type account they will have the option to "Share this cart" when they are saving the cart.  This allows the cart to be seen and retrieved by other web accounts that either share the same web account or address book number.
7- Kit Components Selection Modal
If the cart contains a kit item the components may be viewed/edited. 
8- Terms and Conditions Modal
Configuration will determine if the user must accept your terms and conditions from the View Cart page every time before they can check out, if they must accept once, or if they need not accept.  
9- Add to List Modal
A wish list (for individuals) or product list (for companies) is a group of products that the user may want to buy at some point in the future. The user may add the products from their cart to an existing or new list.
Product Display Mode
Defines if products are displayed in content or tabular mode.
Display Savings
Display or hide savings. For savings display, the Management Console Display Base Price and Savings setting must be on as well.
Terms and conditions acceptance
Defines if Terms and conditions are displayed in this widget, and if they are displayed how the acceptance mode will work. 
Terms and Conditions Page
This is the page where Terms and Conditions are defined. Instructions must be in a Content Block widget configured with this WrapperCssClass: terms-and-conditions. 
Cross reference - Number of Items Display
Total items to be displayed per page.
Cross reference type
Defines the cross reference type used to retrieve cross reference items.
Allow Share Cart by Email
Defines if the user can share shopping cart information by email.
Check to redirect unauthenticated user directly to Guest Checkout page
Defines if unauthenticated users are directly redirected to Guest Checkout page. If this option is not selected, on checkout the unauthenticated user will be redirected to Login page where the user can decide to login or continue as a guest.
Guest Checkout URL
Defines the URL for Guest Checkout process page. Displayed only when option to redirect directly to Guest Checkout option is selected.
External Catalog URL

Link to Catalog in Shopping cart compact. This link is used in the continue shopping link that shows the shopping cart in case the website is set to use external catalogs.

Allow View Price Break Drilldown
Defines if price breakdown is enabled or not. 
Display Product Images

Defines if product images are displayed. Available only in Tabular mode. Display product image is dependent on a setting within SmarterCommerce Settings Module (refer to WebSite -> General Behavior -> Display product images setting)

Cross Reference Type for Customer Product Number
Ecommerce > Settings
JD Edwards item cross reference type code representing customer item number.
SmarterCommerce Freight
Shipping > Settings
Determines if freight functionality is active or inactive.
Freight Line Type
Shipping > Settings
The line type that will be assigned to the freight line generated on orders that contain products to be shipped to the customer/consumer.
Tracking Line Type
Shipping > Settings
The line type that will be assigned to the tracking line generated on orders that contain products to be shipped to the customer.
Pickup Default Carrier
Shipping > Settings
Address number used for default carrier for pickup.
Product Group
Shipping > Settings
Identifies the complex item price group used for shipping zone definition (refer to setting up complex item price groups within Oracle-JD Edwards content help).  Shipping zone freight rates can be defined by item group.  Select NONE to avoid having shipping zone rates at the item group level.
Customer Group
Shipping > Settings
Identifies the complex customer price group used for shipping zone definition (refer to setting up complex customer price groups within Oracle-JD Edwards content help).  Shipping zone freight rates can be defined by customer group.  Select NONE to avoid having shipping zone rates at the customer group level.
Apply Insurance
Shipping > Settings
Whether to apply freight insurance calculation into orders to be shipped.
Will Call - Default Mode of Transportation
Shipping > Settings
Determines the default mode of transportation for pick up/will call orders.
Sales Restriction - by Cat Code
Inventory > Settings

Determines the inventory category code values which can be purchased via the web site.

PayPal Express Checkout Payment Instrument
Defines the user defined code (00/PY) assigned to PayPal Express Checkout. This payment instrument is used when the PayPal option is selected from the Shopping Cart.
PayPal Express Checkout Payments maximum days
If "Paypal Express Checkout Payments with Back or Future Orders" is turned ON then this constant determines if the PayPal payment instrument is available or not when the order has future lines.  If the future date is within this settings number of days then the PayPal instrument will be enabled.
Discount Line Type
Sales > Settings
The line type that is assigned to the sales order line generated when an order level discount is entered for an order. Order level discounts include percentage or fixed amount discounts entered during order entry.
Display Base Price and Savings
Sales > Settings
Base price and savings are calculated using JD Edwards functions and returned to the product content and cart Ecommerce for display.
Abandon Cart - 3rd Notice
Ecommerce > Settings

The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the third email notification.

Abandon Cart - 2nd Notice
Ecommerce > Settings

The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the second email notification. 

Abandon Cart - 1st Notice
Ecommerce > Settings
The number of days after cart is abandoned that 1st notification should be sent.
Delete Persistent Shopping Carts Older Than n Days
Ecommerce > Settings

The maximum number of days a persistent cart should remain in your system.  Leave this field blank to inactivate this functionality.


PayPal Express Checkout Payment Terms
Payment terms may be associated to each payment instrument except On Account.  If you do not want payment terms associated to this payment instrument then select NA.
Marketing Code Default Value
Sales > Settings
The default marketing code automatically applied to the order. If left blank, no default value will be displayed. If you specify a default marketing code you can override it in the order as needed.


PayPal Express Checkout Payments with Backorder or Future Behavior
If the order has back orders or future orders (where requested date is greater than original requested date) this option will determine if PayPal is a valid pay instrument.
Display product number
For CMS stores this is the product number that will be displayed upon entry and validation of a product. For Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) stores this is the product number shown in order and invoice history. This is also the product number that will be used throughout the Management Console. 
Display add to list
Catalog > Product Listings

Determines if the option to add products to wish-list is displayed or not. This setting impacts the following widgets:

  • Compare
  • Most Viewed Products Full List View
  • Product Content Full View
  • Product Content Replacements View
  • Product Content Availability View
  • Recently Viewed Products Full List View
  • Shopping Cart Full View
  • More Info Modal*

*Depends on widgets configuration 

Display massive actions
Catalog > Product Listings

Determines if massive actions (such as add to cart or add to wish-list) are displayed or not. Available in:

  • Catalog
  • Most Viewed Products Full List View
  • Product Content Replacements View
  • Product Search Results
  • Recently Viewed Products Full List View
  • Wish List
Check Availability Mode For Sales Person
Catalog > Product Listings

Defines the check availability mode for Sales Person. The options are:

  • Do not display availability
  • Display availability status and quantity available
  • Display availability status

Quantity available display is dependent on P4210 processing option 'Activate Availability Checking' if the value is Blank (Bypass availability checking), then quantity available will not be displayed on the website.

Check Availability Mode For Customer/Consumer
Catalog > Product Listings

Defines the check availability mode for Customer/Consumer. The options are:

  • Do not display availability
  • Display availability status and quantity available
  • Display availability status 

Quantity available display is dependent on P4210 processing option 'Activate Availability Checking' if the value is Blank (Bypass availability checking), then quantity available will not be displayed on the website.

Maximum announcements to display
Catalog > Badge Announcements
The maximum badge announcements to display in products and nodes.
Badge announcement style
Catalog > Badge Announcements
A badge is a small piece of information displayed for the user. The available badge styles are circle, triangle, rectangle, and tail.
Unit of measure display mode

Unit of measure display mode. The options are: 

  • Do not display UOM
  • Show UOM as a display only field
  • Enable UOM selection by the user
Please note that when this setting allows the user to selection a new UOM the list of UOM available to the customer is dependent on the F41003 (primary and transaction UOM as well as all UOM that can be converted to those) or the F41002 (all UOM for the item).  In all cases the UOM must be configured for the Store to appear in the Ecommerce selection list.
Products default unit of measure calculation mode
Unit of Measure
Defines how the default unit of measure is calculated for products. The options are:
  • Use P4210 settings
  • Use Product Pricing UOM
  • Use Product Primary UOM
  • Use a specific UOM
Products Default UOM
Unit of Measure
Determines the specific units of measure available for products.
Shipment level type
Sales > Settings
The options are:
  • Order Level - Allows one shipment address per order. Also tells the system that web user edits to fields such as requested date will be done at the order level. For pickup orders the message, “All items must be shipped or picked up at the same address” may appear.
  • Detail Level - Allows multi-shipment addresses per order. Also tells the system that web user edits to fields such as requested date will be done at the detail line level.
Promotion code behavior
Sales > Settings
The options are:
  • Hide
  • Display not required
  • Display required
JQuery plugins allowed domain origins
Web Site > Security

Configure a list of domain sites that Jquery Plugins have access to (separated by commas). Each plugin verifies that if the domain is not in this list of this setting, the plugin gives an Authorization error and the plugin will not work. If this setting is left blank then any site can use the plugins.

Enable profile cookies
Web Site > Cookies
Enable profile cookies (used for Remember Me functionality and to save language preference).
Display product images
Web Site > General Behavior

You can decide to show/hide product images on your website. When the setting is setup to show images, you must configure the Product Thumbnail Sizes.

This setting affects all widgets except Catalog and Search Results. These widgets have a property in the designer to allow user to configure to Show/ Hide images and to select the image thumbnail size.

Product listing thumbnail size
Web Site > General Behavior
This size is used in grid and list mode listings. For example, in widgets like Wish List, Most Viewed, Recently Viewed, etc. This size is also used in the Content display mode. For example, in widgets like Shopping History, Shopping Cart, Invoice History, etc. SmarterCommerceThumbnail 120X120 recommended.  Please note if you image(s) are smaller than the recommended size you may see excess white space.  For more information on creating new thumbnail sizes please click  here
Product listing small thumbnail size
Web Site > General Behavior
This size will be used in carousels, in the Tabular display mode, compare bar, and in floating popups. If required, select a smaller size than the Product listing thumbnail size. SmarterCommerceCarousel 80X80 recommended. Please note if you image(s) are smaller than the recommended size you may see excess white space.  For more information on creating new thumbnail sizes please click  here
Display hover image
Web Site > General Behavior
When the setting is on, the second image from the product gallery will be used as hover image.
Action after add to cart
Web Site > General Behavior
Determines behavior upon adding items to the cart. The options are:
  • Redirect to Shopping Cart
  • Stay on the same page
  • Display added to cart confirmation modal
Allow check for replacements
Replacement items are offered when you attempt to add an obsolete item to the cart.  This setting determines if checking for replacement items is allowed.
Terms and Conditions acceptance behavior
Web Site > General Behavior
Shopping Cart, Order Process, Return Order, Guest Checkout and Register widgets allow you to show or hide Terms and Conditions. If the widget is set to show Terms and Conditions this setting defines if acceptance is required or not.  If acceptance is required you may choose first time acceptance or always.  Please note that Guest Checkout and Register widgets will always ask for acceptance.
Shopping Cart summary mode
Web Site > General Behavior
The options are:
  • Show Total Products
  • Show Total Lines
By default configure products to allow decimals in quantity field
This setting will be used when adding new Products to the module.
Please note: User can turn this functionality on only when the JDE data dictionary QTYINV is configured with “Display Decimal” > 0. Please review Oracle documentation regarding decimal places/updates to implement this functionality.
Catalog provider

Defines the website catalog provider. The options are:

  • Internal with App Search
  • Internal with Elasticsearch
  • External
Show product number
Catalog > Product Listings

This setting hides/shows the product number and the customer cross-reference number. This setting is used in the product search visual assistant and the following widgets:

  • Catalog
  • Compare (widget and bar)
  • Cross reference products in Product Content and Shopping Cart
  • Most Viewed Products
  • Product Content Replacements View
  • Product Search Box (suggestions)
  • Product Search Results
  • Recently Viewed Products
  • Wish List
  • Add to Cart Modal Confirmation

    The historical widgets, for example Order History, Invoice History, and Product Content and the “More Info” modal do not use this setting.

Filter by assignments Attribute
Catalog > Product Filter Assignments
Catalog products can be filtered to show only those assigned to the customer. This is the attribute that is used to assign products to the customer.
Address Book Category Code
Catalog > Product Filter Assignments
Defines the customer category code (1-30) used to filter products in the catalog.
Guest Users - Display Price Information
Web Site > Guest Users
Determines if pricing information will be available for guest (unauthenticated) users.
Display product images in tabular mode
Web Site > General Behavior
Determines if product images will be displayed in tabular mode.
Google Analytics version
Web Site > Google Analytics

.Google Analytics version in use. Choose from:

  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
  • Universal Analytics (UA)
  • Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Allow User to Place Orders
If the user does not have permission to place orders then the place order option is hidden.
Work With Saved Carts
If the web user does not have permission to work with saved carts then widget is not displayed.
  • Premier.SCMail

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