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Release 7.0


scRegister sc-register

This control provides functionality to enable online registration for new web users.  


Sample Views

1- Register

When allowed a web user may register a new web account.  First, they must choose if they are registering as an individual or a company. Once that selection is made the user will complete the remaining fields (Please note that only countries with special handling code 'blank' or 840 in UDC 00|CN are zip code validated) and press Register. When the web account is created a record will be added to the AB & Prospect Extended/Source Information (FQ67107) table.  This table is where the individual/company designation will be stored.

2- Terms And Conditions Modal
If configured the user will see the Terms and Conditions as part of the registration process. 
3- LookUp - Customer Number Validation
Lookup functionality is used to help control or eliminate duplicate records. Based on lookup functionality configuration the user may be alerted during the registration process if the information they have entered matches an existing record. They will be prompted to enter their existing address number to be used to create the web account.
4- LookUp - Select Contacts
During the registration process the web user may be prompted to choose which contact record belongs to them.
5- LookUp - Administrative Account
During the registration process the user may be directed to contact their account administrator.
6- LookUp - Registered Customer
Based on configuration the user account may be created during registration, but inactive.  This screen will advise the customer of this.
Enable Captcha verification
Defines if image verification functionality is turned on or off.
Terms and conditions acceptance
Defines if Terms and conditions are displayed in this widget, and if they are displayed how the acceptance mode will work. 
Enable Captcha Audio Code
Defines if audio code functionality is turned on or off. Default value is false. Available when Enable Captcha verification is turned on.
Look Up Behavior
Ecommerce > Registration
When Lookup functionality is enabled choose which behavior to use. Possible values are:
  • Inform User that the Information Exists and Stop Process - Attempts to match with existing information and if information seems to exist registration process is stopped and error message is presented to web user asking user to contact customer service.
  • Ask for Customer/Consumer Address Number Verification - Attempts to match with existing information and if information seems to exist web user is asked to provide additional information and if information is valid then customer/consumer is linked to existing information and web user is able to continue.
  • Bypass Customer/Consumer Address Number Validation - Attempts to match with existing information and if information seems to exist web user is automatically linked to existing customer/ consumer information and web user is able to continue.
Look Up Additional Behavior for companies
Ecommerce > Registration
For company records choices are:
  • Show Administrative Account - provide information to contact the account administrator
  • Show Available contacts - let user select an existing contact or add a new contact creating the web account
Default Permissions
Accounts > Default Permissions
Permissions can be changed based on the Management Console “Disable Change of Permissions” configuration.
Product Cross Reference On
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if item cross reference functionality is on or off.
Receive Inf. Via Standard Mail
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default  value for new contacts to determine if they wish to receive mail from your company or not.
Receive Inf. Via Email
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if they wish to receive emails from your company or not.
Receive Email from Affiliates
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if they wish to receive emails from your affiliates or not.
Allow Sharing of Email Address
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if you can share their email address or not.
Mail Content Preference
Profile > Contact Preferences

The new contact's preference in type of mail received.  Values can be:

  • Informational
  • Promotional
  • Both
Company Policy Name
Profile > Company
The policy name to assign to the newly created AR record in JDE. For more information on JDE functionality relating to policy name please consult JDE.
Company Set As
Profile > Company
The database set of tables can be defined as either the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne™ address Book/Customer Database or the Consumer Database.  This setting will ensure that the values entered are acceptable for the field. 


Flash Message (Credit Message)
Profile > Company
Company default flash message
Company Beginning Status
Profile > Company
Determines if the newly added record will be active or inactive.
Company Search Type
Profile > Company
Determines the search type for the new record. For customers the UDC 01|ST will be used and for consumers the UDC 59|CT will be used.
Company Business Unit
Profile > Company
Sets the JDE business unit (MCU) on the new record. 
Company Line of Business
Profile > Company
Designates the default line of business that will be loaded for newly added company records even if Line of Business is set to inactive.  LOB may impact pricing.
Company Person Corporate Code
Profile > Company
Determines if the record being created will be flagged as a person or a corporation.
Company Billing Address Type
Profile > Company
The billing address type is used to determine if the record being added is a bill to only, a ship to or both.
Company Adjustment Schedule
Profile > Company
Adjustment schedules are used by advanced pricing and may impact pricing.
Company Rest of Who's Who Contact Type
Profile > Company
Sets the contact type for all other who's who records added to the Bill To.
Company Who's Who Contact Zero Type
Profile > Company
Sets the contact type for the first who's who record added to the Bill To.


Company Payment AR Terms
Profile > Company
Sets the payment terms for AR invoices on the newly added record.
Company Payment Instrument
Profile > Company
If the customer/consumer typically pays with the same payment method the payment instrument can be defaulted into the record when it is created.
Company Credit Manager
Profile > Company
The address book number of the credit manager each new record should be assigned.
Company Credit Message
Profile > Company
A message used to reflect a customer's status.  Credit message is manually set in the AR record.
Company Credit Limit
Profile > Company
Designates the amount of credit your company will extend to each newly added customer.
Company Collection Manager
Profile > Company
The address book number of the collection manager to be assigned to each new record.
Company Customer PO Required
Profile > Company
Determines if a PO number must be recorded for each order before the order can be submitted.
Individual Customer PO Required
Profile > Individual
Determines if a PO number must be recorded for each order before the order can be submitted.
Company Partial Shipments Allowed
Profile > Company
This setting indicates if a customer/consumer will accept partial orders or not. A partial order is when some products are in stock and shippable and some are not.
Company GL Offset
Profile > Company
Enter the GL Offset that will be written to the newly created record.  JDE uses the GL offset to determine which AAI will be used for posting.
Company SHAN Beginning Status
Profile > Company
Determines if the newly added record will be active or inactive.
Company SHAN Search Type
Profile > Company
Determines the search type for the new ship to record. For customers the UDC 01|ST will be used and for consumers the UDC 59|CT will be used.
Company SHAN Business Unit
Profile > Company
Sets the JDE business unit (MCU) on the new ship to record. 
Company SHAN Person Corporate Code
Profile > Company
Determines if the ship to record being created will be flagged as a person or a corporation.
Company SHAN Billing Address Type
Profile > Company
The billing address type is used to determine if the ship to record being added is a bill to only, a ship to or both.
Company SHAN Who's Who Type
Profile > Company
Designates the who's who contact type for all Ship To's entered for newly added company.
Company Main Phone Type
Profile > Company
Designates the type of phone number being added for a company type record.  For example business, cell, or home.
Default Tax Area/Geocode for non taxable ship to's
Profile > Settings
When a tax area/GeoCode is required by Oracle-JD Edwards and one is not present on the customer's AR setup in JD Edwards this is the defaulted value that will be passed to the sales order in order to complete sales order creation without errors.


Address Book MBF (P0100041) version
Profile > Settings
Version of the profile revision object called in Oracle-JD Edwards.
Phone extension separator
Profile > Setting
Table level separator to identify the separation between telephone number and telephone extension.


Filter states by country
Profile > Settings
Shows only states within associated country. If the functionality is turned on the State UDC (00|S) special handling code is used to filter states. State must have the Country Code in the Special Handling code.


Address Organization Structure Type
Profile > Settings
The structure type to be used when reading the Parent/Child (F0150) table from JDE.
Company Backorders Allowed
Profile > Company
This setting indicates if a customer/consumer will accept backorders or not. If this setting is set to no any products out of stock (on backorder) will be cancelled form the order.
Individual Backorders Allowed
Profile > Individual
This setting indicates if a customer/consumer will accept backorders or not. If this setting is set to no any products out of stock (on backorder) will be cancelled form the order.
Company Customer Price Group
Profile > Company
Customer price groups are used by advanced pricing and may impact pricing.
Individual Customer Price Group
Profile > Individual
Customer price groups are used by advanced pricing and may impact pricing.
Individual Who's Who Contact Type
Profile > Individual
Sets the contact type for the first who's who record only.


Individual SHAN Who's Who Type
Profile > Individual
Sets the contact type for the who's who records added for the ship to being created.
Individual SHAN Search Type
Profile > Individual
Determines the search type for the new ship to record. For customers the UDC 01|ST will be used and for consumers the UDC 59|CT will be used.


Individual SHAN Person Corporate Code
Profile > Individual
Determines if the ship to record being created will be flagged as a person or a corporation.
Individual SHAN Business Unit
Profile > Individual
Sets the JDE business unit (MCU) on the new ship to record. 
Individual SHAN Beginning Status
Profile > Individual
Determines if the newly added record will be active or inactive.


Individual SHAN Billing Address Type
Profile > Individual

The billing address type is used to determine if the ship to record being added is a bill to only, a ship to or both.

Individual set as
Profile > Individual
The database set of tables can be defined as either the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne™ address Book/Customer Database or the Consumer Database.  This setting will ensure that the values entered are acceptable for the field.  If the desire is to not allow registration of  JD Edwards EnterpriseOne™ Customers nor the Consumers via the Store ID set the default data option to not used.


Individual Search Type
Profile > Individual
Determines the search type for the new record. For customers the UDC 01|ST will be used and for consumers the UDC 59|CT will be used.


Individual Policy Name
Profile > Individual
The policy name/company to assign to the newly created AR record in JDE. For more information on JDE functionality relating to policy name/company please consult JDE.
Individual Person Corporate Code
Profile > Individual

Determines if the record being created will be flagged as a person or a corporation.

Individual Payment Terms - A/R
Profile > Individual
Sets the payment terms for AR invoices on the newly added record.


Individual Payment Instrument
Profile > Individual
If the customer/consumer typically pays with the same payment method the payment instrument can be defaulted into the record when it is created.


Individual Partial Shipments Allowed
Profile > Individual
This setting indicates if a customer/consumer will accept partial orders or not. A partial order is when some products are in stock and shippable and some are not.


Individual Main Phone Type
Profile > Individual
Designates the type of phone number being added for an individual.  For example business, cell, or home.
Individual Line of Business
Profile > Individual
Designates the default line of business that will be loaded for newly added individual records even if Line of Business is set to inactive.  LOB may impact pricing.
Individual GL Offset
Profile > Individual
Enter the GL Offset that will be written to the newly created record.  JDE uses the GL offset to determine which AAI will be used for posting.
Individual Credit Message
Profile > Individual
A message used to reflect a customer's status.  Credit message is manually set in the AR record.
Individual Credit Manager
Profile > Individual
The address book number of the credit manager each new record should be assigned.
Individual Credit Limit
Profile > Individual
Designates the amount of credit your company will extend to each newly added customer.


Individual Collection Manager
Profile > Individual
The address book number of the collection manager to be assigned to each new record.
Individual Business Unit
Profile > Individual
Sets the JDE business unit (MCU) on the new record. 
Individual Billing Address Type
Profile > Individual
The billing address type is used to determine if the record being added is a bill to only, a ship to or both.


Individual Beginning Status
Profile > Individual
Determines if the newly added record will be active or inactive.


Individual Adjustment Schedule
Profile > Individual
Adjustment schedules are used by advanced pricing and may impact pricing.
Default Country
Profile > Settings

Default Country for new addresses entry.  Utilized in Retail Point of Sale in Create Customer, Customers Maintenance – Add Credit Card, Customers Maintenance – Add Shipment, Payment – New Credit Card, and Order – Shipping – Add Shipping. Utilized in Ecommerce in My Account – Ship To’s - Add Ship To, Register, Payments – “Add credit card” and “Add Bank account”, Checkout – One Time Ship To Address, Checkout – Add Ship To Address, Order Status, and Guest Checkout.

LookUp Status
Retail Point of Sale > Registration

In an attempt to minimize the number of possible duplicate registrations this setting can be configured to lookup certain customer/consumer information prior to creating new records and stopping the process if information seems to exist. Possible values are:

Inactive – Does not attempt to match with existing information.

Active - Attempts to match existing information

Display Line of Business
Profile > Settings
Determines if the Line of Business field is displayed or not for the end user.
Allowed Countries
Profile > Settings
Allows you to set those countries which are restricted/allowed.
IND_Flash Message (Credit Message)
Profile > Individual
Individual default flash message
Maximum recently viewed products per web user
Defines the number of recently viewed products saved per web user.  When this setting is 0 no visited products will be saved.  
Membership provider name
Web Site

To manage users separated by site in Sitefinity, it is necessary to set up a Membership Provider for each site. Each website must be configured with the corresponding Membership Provider using this setting. The setting maintenance displays the membership providers that exist in Sitefinity. 

After creating the provider,  you must restart the application by modifying the Sitefinity web.config file or following the steps in the Sitefinity Documentation (

After the application restarts, you will see that the new provider is active.

Beginning with version 7.1 standard Sitefinity Site-Specific Users will be utilized to manage Membership Provider.  For more information click here

Terms and Conditions acceptance behavior
Web Site > General Behavior
Shopping Cart, Order Process, Return Order, Guest Checkout and Register widgets allow you to show or hide Terms and Conditions. If the widget is set to show Terms and Conditions this setting defines if acceptance is required or not.  If acceptance is required you may choose first time acceptance or always.  Please note that Guest Checkout and Register widgets will always ask for acceptance.
  • Premier.ECommerce.SignUp
  • Premier.ECommerce.CMS-PersonalizationProfile
  • Premier.SCMail

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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.