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Release 7.0

My Account

scMyAccount sc-my-account

This control is used to render My Account dashboard as well as the following. The widget requires the user to be authenticated. Therefore, it must be placed on a page with authentication permissions.

  • Edit billing address
  • Edit profile
  • Contacts maintenance
  • Ship To maintenance
  • Credit card maintenance
  • Bank account maintenance

Sample Views

1- Dashboard

A dashboard is a user interface which displays frequently used information that may change on a frequent basis. Most dashboard information will be available to both customer and consumer type records.  Each section of the dashboard is explained below.

Product List - A product list is a group of items the user wishes to group together for whatever reason. The dashboard will display the first three product lists. This dashboard data is available for both customer and consumer type company web accounts.

Saved Carts - The user can create a saved cart anytime they have a group of products in their cart, but they aren't ready to finalize the purchase for whatever reason. The dashboard will display the first three saved carts.  This dashboard data is available for both customer and consumer type company web accounts.

Shopping Cart - The shopping cart is a listing of items that the user is currently intending to purchase. This dashboard data is available for both customer and consumer type company web accounts.

Total Purchases - The total purchases information groups orders into a graphical form to allow the user to visualize purchasing trends. Orders are included into this information if they meet the document type restrictions setup in the Management Console and if they are not considered canceled (all lines on the order have a last status greater than or equal to the status for canceled line in the Management Console). The graph may be viewed in the following intervals based on the number of days:

 Daily - 7 days

Weekly - 30 days

Weekly - 45 days

Monthly - 60 days

Monthly - 180 days

Monthly - 365 days

 The web account must have permission to view shopping history to work with total purchases information.  If the web account does not have this permission (or if there are no orders that meet the criteria mentioned above) this section of the dashboard will not be visible. This dashboard data is available for both customer and consumer type company web accounts.

Recent Orders - Orders are included in this information if they meet the document type restrictions setup in the Management Console.  Recent Orders may include canceled orders based on Management Console settings to display or hide canceled lines as well as canceled line status. This dashboard data is available for both customer and consumer type company web accounts.

Open Invoices - An open invoice is an invoice that does not have a zero balance due.  If the web account has either the pay invoices or view invoice history permission granted this section will be visible.  If the web account does not have either permission (or if they have no invoices with amount due <> 0) this section will not be visible. This dashboard data is available for only customer type company web accounts.

Quotes - A quote is a request from your customer to you for special orders and/or special pricing typically based on massive purchase quantities or frequency.  Quote processing is a module that must be purchased and requires a SPC to function.  Therefore, if you have not licensed Quote Processing this section of the dashboard will not be visible.  If you have licensed this module you must ensure that the Management Console is configured with a valid P4210 version for quotes.  Then, if the user has permissions to either quote orders or quote conversions this section will be visible. This dashboard data is available for only customer type company web accounts.

Returns - A credit order (aka return) is a mechanism used by customers to return merchandise in exchange for their money back. If data is available this section will be displayed. 

Account Aging - This section of the dashboard will graphically display the user's AR balances (F03B15) into aging buckets for review. The web account must have permissions to view account balance otherwise this section will not be visible. This dashboard data is available for only customer type company web accounts.

2- Customize Dashboard
The customized dashboard will only show the elements configured to show.
3- Dashboard empty state
When the dashboard elements have no records the dashboard is in an empty state.
4- Edit Profile
If the user has permissions My Profile information may be edited.
5- Change Password Modal
When the user click Change Password this modal appears.  Once the information is entered the user will click Change.
6- Default Shipto Selection Modal
With permission the user will be able to select the default ship to for the account.
7- Edit Bill To
With permission the user will be able to edit the Bill To information for the account.
8- Edit Phone Modal
With permission the user will be able to edit phone number information for the account.
9- Ship To List
A ship to is a physical location where the user wants the product(s) they purchase from your business to be delivered. The Ship To listing will show all addresses related to the web account.  Ship to's may be sorted by all fields available.  Ship to's may also be filtered by Active and Inactive.
10- Add Ship To
With permission the user will be able to add a ship to on the account.
11- Edit Ship To
With permission the user will be able to edit a ship to record.
12- Credit Card List
The Credit Card List will show all credit cards stored on file for the account.  They may be filtered by Active or Expired.  The user may also sort the records as needed. Pressing the vertical ellipsis will allow the user to edit or delete a record.
13- Add Credit Card
With permission the user will be able to add a credit card on file for the account.
14- Edit Credit Card
With permission the user will be able to edit a credit card on file for the account.
15- Bank Account List
The Bank Account List shows all bank accounts saved on file for the web account. The listing may be sorted by the available columns. The records may also be filtered by Active or Expired.
16- Add Bank Account
With permission the user will be able to add a bank account for the web account.
17- Edit Bank Account
With permission the user will be able to edit a bank account associated to the web account.
18- Contact List
An authorized buyer or contact is someone that the user wants to associate directly to their account. The Contact List will show all contacts associated to the (company) web account.  The records may be sorted by any available column. The user may also filter the records by Active, Inactive, or Without Web Account.
19- Add Contact
With permission, the user will be able to add a contact to the account. Additionally, when a web account is created the option to send the Welcome email will also be available.
20- Edit Contact
With permission, the user will be able to edit information relating to a contact on the account.  Please note there is no need to log out and log back in for permission changes to take effect as they are refreshed immediately.
Announcements to Display
Defines if the control displays all, new, or prompt announcements. Default value is new.
Max Records to Display on Dashboard Compacts
From all records, display only first n. Default will be 5 orders.  If the value is set as 0 then the application will display 5. (Announcements, Shopping Cart, Wish List, Saved Carts, Shopping History, Returns, Quotes, Invoices, etc)
External Catalog URL

Link to Catalog in Shopping cart compact. This link is used in the continue shopping link that shows the shopping cart in case the website is set to use external catalogs.

Display SideBar
Defines if the SideBar section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.
Display Companies

Defines if the Companies section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.

Display Annouuncements
Defines if the Annouuncements section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.


Display Ship To's
Defines if the Ship To's section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.


Display Payments
Defines if the Payments section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.


Display Contacts
Defines if the Contacts section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.


Display Product List
Defines if the Product List section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.


Display Saved Carts
Defines if the Saved Carts section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account designer option.


Display Invoice History
Defines if the Invoice History section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account Receivable designer option.


Display Purchases Graph
Defines if the Purchases Graph section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account Receivable designer option.


Display Account Balance
Defines if the Account Balance section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account Receivable designer option.


Display Open Invoices
Defines if the Open Invoices section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Account Receivable designer option.


Display Recent Orders
Defines if the Recent Orders section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the History designer option.


Display Recent Quotes
Defines if the Recent Quotes section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the History designer option.


Display Return History
Defines if the Return History section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the History designer option.


Display Shopping Cart
Defines if the Shopping Cart section is displayed in the Dashboard view. This property is contained under the Other designer option.


Notify web user when profile information is changed from website
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent to the user when web account has changed from the website.
Cross Reference Type for Customer Product Number
Ecommerce > Settings
JD Edwards item cross reference type code representing customer item number.
Display announcements from last n days
Ecommerce > Settings

Indicates the number of days an announcement will be displayed past its published date. If 0 then all announcements will be displayed.

Store Companies
Profile > Account Receivable
Companies for which information on the site will be displayed. Recent orders, Recent invoices, etc will display information from all the store companies defined here. The exception is the Account Balance element that will display information from company 00000.
Invoice Document Restrictions
Profile > Account Receivable
Limits the invoice types to display in Invoice History and Invoice Payments.
Company Main Phone Type
Profile > Company
Designates the type of phone number being added for a company type record.  For example business, cell, or home.
Display Line of Business
Profile > Settings
Determines if the Line of Business field is displayed or not for the end user.
Individual Main Phone Type
Profile > Individual
Designates the type of phone number being added for an individual.  For example business, cell, or home.
Product Cross Reference On
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if item cross reference functionality is on or off.
Receive Inf. Via Email
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if they wish to receive emails from your company or not.
Receive Inf. Via Standard Mail
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default  value for new contacts to determine if they wish to receive mail from your company or not.
Receive Email from Affiliates
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if they wish to receive emails from your affiliates or not.
Allow Sharing of Email Address
Profile > Contact Preferences
Default value for new contacts to determine if you can share their email address or not.
Mail Content Preference
Profile > Contact Preferences

The new contact's preference in type of mail received.  Values can be:

  • Informational
  • Promotional
  • Both
Credit Order Document Restrictions
Sales > Credit Order
Determines the order types to display when selecting an order for return.
Quote Conversion P4210 version
Sales > Quotes
Designates the version of the Sales Order application (P4210) that will be used to convert a quote into a sales order.
Quote Conversion Acceptance Level
Sales > Quotes
Quotes can be accepted and converted to sales order in one of two methods.  Possible options are:
  • Order level: the user will either accept or decline the quote in its entirety.
  • Detail level: the user can pick and choose which lines from the quote are accepted and which are declined.
Quote Document Restriction
Sales > Quotes
Quote Order Types to Display in Quote History.
Quote Conversion Required line status
Sales > Quotes
The next status (NXTR) required for status quote lines to be considered "Ready for Review."
Sales Order Document Restrictions
Sales > Settings
Sales order types to display in Order Status / Shopping History. Also defines which document types can be modified.
Allow Foreign Transactions
Sales > Settings

Determines if orders can be recorded in a currency other than the base currency of the company. Possible Options are:

  • Yes - Allow and display foreign currency. For customers currency will pull from the customer master.  For consumers the currency will pull from the default customer assigned in the Management Console.
  • No - Do not allow or display foreign currency
Sales Order Display cancelled lines
Sales > Settings
When displaying details of a sales order canceled sales order lines can be displayed or hidden from web user.
Decimal Places to Display Totals
Sales > Settings
Determines how many decimal places are displayed for totals.
Store Languages
Valid languages for the store.
Notify web user when profile information is changed from Management Console
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent when profile is changed from within Management Console.


Default Country
Profile > Settings

Default Country for new addresses entry.  Utilized in Retail Point of Sale in Create Customer, Customers Maintenance – Add Credit Card, Customers Maintenance – Add Shipment, Payment – New Credit Card, and Order – Shipping – Add Shipping. Utilized in Ecommerce in My Account – Ship To’s - Add Ship To, Register, Payments – “Add credit card” and “Add Bank account”, Checkout – One Time Ship To Address, Checkout – Add Ship To Address, Order Status, and Guest Checkout.

Allowed Countries
Profile > Settings
Allows you to set those countries which are restricted/allowed.
Unit of measure display mode

Unit of measure display mode. The options are: 

  • Do not display UOM
  • Show UOM as a display only field
  • Enable UOM selection by the user
Please note that when this setting allows the user to selection a new UOM the list of UOM available to the customer is dependent on the F41003 (primary and transaction UOM as well as all UOM that can be converted to those) or the F41002 (all UOM for the item).  In all cases the UOM must be configured for the Store to appear in the Ecommerce selection list.
Membership provider name
Web Site

To manage users separated by site in Sitefinity, it is necessary to set up a Membership Provider for each site. Each website must be configured with the corresponding Membership Provider using this setting. The setting maintenance displays the membership providers that exist in Sitefinity. 

After creating the provider,  you must restart the application by modifying the Sitefinity web.config file or following the steps in the Sitefinity Documentation (

After the application restarts, you will see that the new provider is active.

Beginning with version 7.1 standard Sitefinity Site-Specific Users will be utilized to manage Membership Provider.  For more information click here

Enable preferences cookies
Web Site > Cookies
Enable preferences cookies (used to save web user preferences like page size, sort by, search mode, delimiter, and layout mode).
Guest Users - Display add to cart
Web Site > Guest Users
Determines if add to cart will be available for guest (unauthenticated) users.
Display product images
Web Site > General Behavior

You can decide to show/hide product images on your website. When the setting is setup to show images, you must configure the Product Thumbnail Sizes.

This setting affects all widgets except Catalog and Search Results. These widgets have a property in the designer to allow user to configure to Show/ Hide images and to select the image thumbnail size.

Shopping Cart summary mode
Web Site > General Behavior
The options are:
  • Show Total Products
  • Show Total Lines
Paging display mode
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The options are:
  • Enable user to change the number of records per page
  • Show fixed records per page
  • No paging
Number of products per page - On Grid
Web Site > Paging Configuration
Define the numbers of products the to display per page in Grid Mode.
Default page size - On Grid
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The default page size when viewing products in grid mode.
Number of products per page - On List
Web Site > Paging Configuration
Define the numbers of products the to display per page in List Mode.
Default page size - On List
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The default page size when viewing products in list mode.
Display product number
For CMS stores this is the product number that will be displayed upon entry and validation of a product. For Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) stores this is the product number shown in order and invoice history. This is also the product number that will be used throughout the Management Console. 
Product listing thumbnail size
Web Site > General Behavior
This size is used in grid and list mode listings. For example, in widgets like Wish List, Most Viewed, Recently Viewed, etc. This size is also used in the Content display mode. For example, in widgets like Shopping History, Shopping Cart, Invoice History, etc. SmarterCommerceThumbnail 120X120 recommended.  Please note if you image(s) are smaller than the recommended size you may see excess white space.  For more information on creating new thumbnail sizes please click  here
Display product images in tabular mode
Web Site > General Behavior
Determines if product images will be displayed in tabular mode.
Google Analytics Product category code
Web Site > Google Analytics

The ERP Item Master (F4101) category code to use. The UDC Code from the category code selected here will be passed into Item Category in Google Analytics. 

Google Analytics Product brand category code
Web Site > Google Analytics

The ERP Item Master (F4101) category code to use. The UDC Code from the category code selected here will be passed into Item Brand in Google Analytics. 

Catalog provider

Defines the website catalog provider. The options are:

  • Internal with App Search
  • Internal with Elasticsearch
  • External
Products default unit of measure calculation mode
Unit of Measure
Defines how the default unit of measure is calculated for products. The options are:
  • Use P4210 settings
  • Use Product Pricing UOM
  • Use Product Primary UOM
  • Use a specific UOM
Guest Users - Display Price Information
Web Site > Guest Users
Determines if pricing information will be available for guest (unauthenticated) users.
Configure paging for grid and list mode
Web Site > Paging Configuration

Internal setting to switch configuration between list and grid mode settings.

View Pricing Information
Determines if the web user is allowed to see pricing and price break information. If the web user does not have permission they can still browse your catalog, but they won't see pricing.
View Shopping History
If the web user does not have permission to view order history then Shopping History option is hidden.
Work With Saved Carts
If the web user does not have permission to work with saved carts then widget is not displayed.
Pay Invoices
Determines if the web user is allowed to pay invoices.
View Contacts
If web user does not have permission to view contacts then contacts summary is hidden.
View Ship Tos
If the web user does not have permission to view ship tos then the link to the list is displayed as a label (not linkable) and the total ship tos is hidden.
Add Credit Card
If user does not have permission to add new credit cards the option is hidden.
View Account Balance
If the web user does not have permission to View Account Balance then Account Balance option is hidden.
View Returns History
If the web user does not have permission to view returns history then Returns History option is hidden.
Modify Bill To Address
If the does not have permission to modify the bill to address then the user can edit only shipping instructions. If user is a company then Company Preferences can also be edited. This permission does not impact phone maintenance.
Add Bill To Phone
If user does not have permission to add bill to phones then add new option is hidden.
Modify Bill To Phone
If the web user does not have permission to modify bill to phones then edit and delete options are hidden.
Add Ship To
If the user does not have permission to add new ship tos the option is hidden.
Change Default Ship To
If the user has no permission to change default ship to then the option is disabled.
Quote Order Conversion to Sales Order
If the web user does not have permission to convert quotes then the user is redirected to an internal error page where an error message is displayed. (“You are not authorized to execute this action”).
Allow User to Place Orders
If the user does not have permission to place orders then the place order option is hidden.
View Invoice History
If web user does not have permission to View Invoice History then the user is redirected to an internal error page where an error message is displayed. (“You are not authorized to execute this action”).
Modify Cross Reference
Designates if the web user can modify cross reference products.
Return Orders
Determines if the web user is allowed to create return orders. 
Modify Ship To Address
If the web user does not have permission to modify ship tos then the user can edit only the nickname and the shipping instructions.
Order Ship to Address Override
Determines if the web user can add a ship to address override.
View Credit Cards on File
If web user does not have the permission to view credit cards on file then the section is hidden.
Add New Bank Accounts On File
Determines if web user has permission to add new bank accounts on file.
Modify Bank Accounts On File
Determines if the web user has permission to modify bank accounts on file (ACH).
Modify Orders
Allow user to Modify Orders
Cancel Line in Modify order
If the user does not have permission to cancel lines in modify order then the option is hidden.
Insert Line in Modify order
If the user does not have permission then they cannot add/insert a new line into an existing order.  
Modify Contact
If the web user does not have permission to modify contacts the edit contact option is hidden.
Add Contact
If user does not have permission to add new contacts the option is hidden.
Sales Person Continue Buying for Yourself
With this permission, a sales person may choose to shop and buy items from your site for their own use. Without this permission they may not shop on behalf of themselves and instead shop only on behalf of their related clients.
Account Administrator
With permission Administrator may modify permissions for contacts.
Schedule Invoice Payments
Determines if the web user will be allowed to schedule (future) payments.
Modify Credit Cards
If the user navigates to this view in edit mode and does not have permission to modify credit cards then the user is redirected to an error page.
  • Premier.Payments.WS.CreditCard-CreditCard Payments
  • Premier.ECommerce.CMS-PersonalizationProfile
  • Premier.Tax.Avatax
  • Premier.ECommerce.Order
  • Premier.SCMail

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