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Release 7.0


scLogin sc-login

This control provides functionality for existing web accounts to log into Ecommerce CMS application. This control manages the following processes:

  • Change password required
  • Client selection for salesperson
  • Forgotten password recovery
  • User already logged in

Please note that the Sitefinity Security Settings below are obeyed during login:

  • minRequiredPasswordLength
  • maxInvalidPasswordAttempts
  • minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters
  • passwordStrengthRegularExpression

This control provides functionality to log into Ecommerce CMS application, and manages all the processes involved such as:

  • When user is required to change password
  • When logged user is a Sales person and user must be redirected to select a client
  • When user has forgotten the password
  • When user is already logged in

Sample Views

1- Login
2- Login or Guest Checkout
When customers/consumers that have already registered want to access their account they must login.  To sign in the registered user needs to enter their user name and password and click the Sign In button. Remember Me saves the username for next login, but not the password. If the user is not registered they may choose to create an account or continue as a guest. 
3- Already Logged In
If the user is already logged in and attempts to login again a message will displayed.  They may click Continue Login as needed.
4- Invalid Login Information
If the registered customer/consumer enters a username and password combination that is incorrect they will receive an error message.  They can try again. However, the number of login attempts before the account is disabled/locked depends on configuration.
5- Forgot Password
When the Forgot Password link is pressed from the Login page the user will be presented with the following screen.  They will enter the email address (associated to the web account) where the reset password link should be sent. If all else fails and the user cannot retrieve their password it can be reset through the Management Console by someone within your organization with web account privileges.
6- Change Password Next Login
If the web account is marked to require a password change at next login the following screen will be displayed.
7- Change Password (from email)
Once the user has received and pressed the reset password link via email the following screen will be presented.  Here the user will enter the information requested and press Change.
8- Web user email conversion
The following screen is used when the username must be converted into an email address.
9- Request Access - Customer Information
This view is used to display a form that is the first step in the Request Access Process to create web accounts for existing customer users. To complete the form, the user must enter the first and last name, a customer number, an email address, and an invoice number. Additionally, the verification of the captcha and the terms and conditions if they are activated in the designer properties. 
10- Request Access - Password
This view is used to display verified user input information or in the event of an error display a message that the process cannot continue. This is the second step in the Request Access process to create web accounts for existing customer users. To complete the information, the user must enter the password and confirm it. 
11- Request Access - Invalid Customer Information

If any of the information entered in the first step of the Request Access process does not meet the conditions needed for access or the process cannot be continued, the account will not be created, and an error message will be displayed. 

12- Request Access - Success
In case the process cannot continue, it will show an error message and the user has the option to be redirected to a Contact Us view.  If the process ends successfully, it will show a view with the data entered, a message indicating that the process was completed successfully, and the customer will receive further information by email. 
Display Register option
Display or hide link to Register link.
Registration URL
Required when Display Register option is turned on. Defines the Ecommerce CMS Registration page. 
Notify web user when profile information is changed from website
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent to the user when web account has changed from the website.
Notify web user when profile information is changed from Management Console
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent when profile is changed from within Management Console.


Test Email
Email > Settings
When test mode is selected you can dictate the email address to which all system emails will be sent.  However, once the system is set to live mode the email will be selected based on the program.
Email > Settings

The Email Component engine can deliver emails in two basic modes:

Test Overrides email associated to user and sends all emails to one specific email address noted in Test mail field.  Test mode should be in use while in a non-production environment

Live Sends emails to user associated with transaction.  Live mode should be in use for production environment

Maximum Days Email Details Are Stored
Email > Settings
Email details older than this number of days will be removed by the scheduler job.
Maximum Days Email Headers Are Stored
Email > Settings

Email headers older than this number of days will be removed by the scheduler job.  Header information includes:

Document ID

Email Type

Sent Date

Resent Date


Save Email Log
Email > Settings
When enabled all emails for the templates selected will be logged. When enabled you can decide how long the emails should be kept. A scheduler job will run to clean up the email log. By default the logging level is set to Debug and captures minimal data about the email sent.  However, in Trace mode the log will contain a full XML document. When set to no, the Email Log menu option will not be displayed in the menu.displayed in the menu.


Request Access
Ecommerce > Registration
Determines the default status for web accounts created through the request access process.
Force change password at next logon
Ecommerce > Registration

A flag that indicates if the new registrant must change his password upon next login.  Possible values are: 

Yes The user must change the password on next login

No user will not be forced to change password

Account Status
Ecommerce > Registration

Indicates if the registrant is disabled or active. Possible values are: 

Active User can access the system

Inactive User cannot access

Account locked out
Ecommerce > Registration

Indicates if the registrant is locked out.  Possible values are:

Yes User has been locked out

No User is not locked out

Maximum recently viewed products per web user
Defines the number of recently viewed products saved per web user.  When this setting is 0 no visited products will be saved.  
Membership provider name
Web Site

To manage users separated by site in Sitefinity, it is necessary to set up a Membership Provider for each site. Each website must be configured with the corresponding Membership Provider using this setting. The setting maintenance displays the membership providers that exist in Sitefinity. 

After creating the provider,  you must restart the application by modifying the Sitefinity web.config file or following the steps in the Sitefinity Documentation (

After the application restarts, you will see that the new provider is active.

Beginning with version 7.1 standard Sitefinity Site-Specific Users will be utilized to manage Membership Provider.  For more information click here

Automatically logout users from other HTTP clients on login
Web Site > Security

Sitefinity limits users’ concurrent sessions so that they are not allowed to be logged in simultaneously from different browsers and machines. When trying to login to the website if there is another valid session open for a given user there will be an additional question to confirm to log out the previous session.  This setting allows you to automatically logout users out from other HTTP clients upon login.

JQuery plugins allowed domain origins
Web Site > Security

Configure a list of domain sites that Jquery Plugins have access to (separated by commas). Each plugin verifies that if the domain is not in this list of this setting, the plugin gives an Authorization error and the plugin will not work. If this setting is left blank then any site can use the plugins.

Enable profile cookies
Web Site > Cookies
Enable profile cookies (used for Remember Me functionality and to save language preference).
Terms and Conditions acceptance behavior
Web Site > General Behavior
Shopping Cart, Order Process, Return Order, Guest Checkout and Register widgets allow you to show or hide Terms and Conditions. If the widget is set to show Terms and Conditions this setting defines if acceptance is required or not.  If acceptance is required you may choose first time acceptance or always.  Please note that Guest Checkout and Register widgets will always ask for acceptance.
Task Manager Notification profile name
Task Manager
To enable Task Manager sending email notifications when it completes executing task, configure a notifications profile.
Task Manager Email subscriber(s)
Task Manager
When Task Manager completes execution of a task an email notification will be sent to this configured list of subscribers.  You must configure this list to enable Task Manager email notifications. 
Task Retention Policy
Task Manager
Determines how long task and executions are kept.  The task clean-up process deletes type User tasks, its executions, and Import/Export files created as a result of the task execution. The clean-up process will also delete task executions from System type tasks.
Limit Records To Keep
Task Manager
Limit records to keep all tasks and executions.
Default startup time for tasks
Task Manager
This setting is used when creating a new scheduled task, it represents the amount of time (in seconds) that the start time of the task is delayed.
Default thread limit for tasks
Task Manager
This setting is used for tasks supporting multithreading, it represents the amount of multiple threads created to process the task. Maximum recommended values is 40.
  • Premier.ECommerce.CMS-PersonalizationProfile
  • Premier.SCMail

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