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Release 7.0

Guest Checkout

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scGuestCheckout sc-guest-checkout

This widget provides functionality to process an unauthenticated order checkout. The process includes steps to complete the following:

  • Enter ship to information
  • Enter bill to information
  • Select a shipping method
  • Place order
  • Display order confirmation

Sample Views

1- Step 1 - Order Address

This view is used to render shipping address information form. When the user selects to continue the checkout process without registering, they must provide the shipping address information. The shipping address information entered by the user is used to save the shipping and billing address.

2- Step 2 - Order Review

This view is used to display the order information. This is where the user can edit the billing and shipping address and change the shipping method.

3- Billing Address Modal
Modal to edit the billing address.
4- Shipping Instructions Modal
Shipping instructions may be entered if desired.
5- Shipping Address Modal
Modal to edit the shipping address if needed.
6- Shipping Methods Modal
Here the user will select their preferred shipping method and press Continue Checkout. 
7- Add/Edit Comments Modal
If configured comments may be added to the order.  This screen will also be used to edit comments.
8- Step 3 - Order Payment
Here the user will select their payment method. Once payment is complete the user will press the Place Order button.
9- Credit Card Payment Confirmation Modal
When paying by credit card the user will receive a confirmation when the authorization is successful.
Enable Captcha verification
Defines if image verification functionality is turned on or off.
Enable Captcha Audio Code
Defines if audio code functionality is turned on or off. Default value is false. Available when Enable Captcha verification is turned on.
Terms and conditions acceptance
Defines if Terms and conditions are displayed in this widget, and if they are displayed how the acceptance mode will work. 
Terms and Conditions Page
This is the page where Terms and Conditions are defined. Instructions must be in a Content Block widget configured with this WrapperCssClass: terms-and-conditions. 
Display the Hosted Payment Confirmation modal
Defines if the Hosted Confirmation modal is displayed. The modal is displayed once the credit card is verified and the user can continue the payment from here.
Pickup instructions configuration
Defines if link to Pickup Instructions is a group of pages or a single page.
Link to Pickup Instructions Page
Defines the page where Pickup Instructions are available.
Product Display Mode
Defines if products are displayed in content or tabular mode.
Print Friendly Image
Selector of the Company image to be displayed in Print friendly.
PayPal Express Checkout Payments maximum days
If "Paypal Express Checkout Payments with Back or Future Orders" is turned ON then this constant determines if the PayPal payment instrument is available or not when the order has future lines.  If the future date is within this settings number of days then the PayPal instrument will be enabled.
On Account Payment Instrument
Defines the user defined code (00/PY) assigned to each payment method specifically allowed within the system. Please be advised that in the POS on account will only be available (if setup) when the customer has enough credit to cover the order and the user has the (P0010) On Account permission.
Will Call - Default Mode of Transportation
Shipping > Settings
Determines the default mode of transportation for pick up/will call orders.
Apply Insurance
Shipping > Settings
Whether to apply freight insurance calculation into orders to be shipped.
Customer Group
Shipping > Settings
Identifies the complex customer price group used for shipping zone definition (refer to setting up complex customer price groups within Oracle-JD Edwards content help).  Shipping zone freight rates can be defined by customer group.  Select NONE to avoid having shipping zone rates at the customer group level.
Product Group
Shipping > Settings
Identifies the complex item price group used for shipping zone definition (refer to setting up complex item price groups within Oracle-JD Edwards content help).  Shipping zone freight rates can be defined by item group.  Select NONE to avoid having shipping zone rates at the item group level.
Decimal Places to Display Totals
Sales > Settings
Determines how many decimal places are displayed for totals.
Decimal Places to Display Prices
Sales > Settings
Determines how many decimal places are displayed for the unit price.
Discount Line Type
Sales > Settings
The line type that is assigned to the sales order line generated when an order level discount is entered for an order. Order level discounts include percentage or fixed amount discounts entered during order entry.
Credit Card Payment requires billing address zip code validation
Determines whether or not Zip Code validation will be performed within the store.
PayPal Express Checkout Payment Instrument
Defines the user defined code (00/PY) assigned to PayPal Express Checkout. This payment instrument is used when the PayPal option is selected from the Shopping Cart.
Pickup Default Carrier
Shipping > Settings
Address number used for default carrier for pickup.
Freight Line Type
Shipping > Settings
The line type that will be assigned to the freight line generated on orders that contain products to be shipped to the customer/consumer.
Cross Reference Type for Customer Product Number
Ecommerce > Settings
JD Edwards item cross reference type code representing customer item number.
Allowed Countries
Profile > Settings
Allows you to set those countries which are restricted/allowed.
Enable Taxed Prices
Sales > Settings
JDE functionality for taxed pricing must be enabled or this option will not be enabled.  When JDE taxed pricing is on tax is calculated using a JDE business function. Options are:

  • Yes - When JDE taxed pricing is on and this setting is set to yes taxed prices will be seen for all order transactions (including but not limited to Sales, Quotes & Credits) in add mode. In update mode this setting is bypassed and the taxed price feature will behave based on how the original order was placed.
  • No - When JDE taxed pricing is on, but this setting is set to no tax will not be included in the prices seen for all order transactions (including but not limited to Sales, Quotes & Credits) in add mode. Please note when the orders are placed they will be processed with tax off. In update mode this setting is bypassed and the taxed price feature will behave based on how the original order was placed.
Synchronize Pricing UOM with Transaction UOM
Sales > Settings

Standard JDE uses the pricing UOM to display the unit price and the transaction UOM to display the extended price. This setting allows you to decide if you want to synchronize the pricing UOM with the transaction UOM.  For example on the item master you might have an item setup with EA as the transaction UOM, but CA as the pricing UOM.  When this option is turned on the pricing UOM for the order will be updated and synchronized with the transaction UOM selected.  If the UOM is not synchronized Product Content will display the price with the pricing UOM displayed next to it. If the user changes the UOM then the price will be recalculated. In addition, checkout, place quote, and modify order processes (and the associated email confirmations) will also display the pricing UOM next to the price.

Yes - Synchronize the pricing and transaction UOM

No -  Do not synchronize the pricing and transaction UOM

AvaTax Hold Code for Tax Revision
Sales > Settings
In Digital Commerce when an error is encountered attempting to calculate tax a message will be shown alerting the web user that tax could not be calculated and the order may be subject to tax later.  In Point of Sale when tax cannot be calculated a message will be shown and the process stopped. With permissions the POS user may continue. If the error is bypassed, the order will not go on this hold.
PayPal Express Checkout Payments with Backorder or Future Behavior
If the order has back orders or future orders (where requested date is greater than original requested date) this option will determine if PayPal is a valid pay instrument.
Credit Card Payment Instrument
Defines the payment instrument (00/PY) that will be used for credit card transactions.
Credit Card Payment requires CSC validation
Determines whether or not Card Security Code (CSC) validation will be performed within the store.
Credit Card Address Validation Required
Determines whether or not address (AVS) validation services will be performed within the store.
PayPal Payment Instrument
Defines the user defined code (00/PY) assigned to PayPal. This payment instrument is used when PayPal is selected as the payment method except from the Shopping Cart.
SmarterCommerce Freight
Shipping > Settings
Determines if freight functionality is active or inactive.
PayPal Express Checkout Payment Terms
Payment terms may be associated to each payment instrument except On Account.  If you do not want payment terms associated to this payment instrument then select NA.
PayPal Payment Terms
Payment terms may be associated to each payment instrument except On Account.  If you do not want payment terms associated to this payment instrument then select NA.
Credit Card Payment Terms
Payment terms may be associated to each payment instrument except On Account.  If you do not want payment terms associated to this payment instrument then select NA.
Credit Card Uplift Authorization Mode

This option defines if and to what extent you want to uplift (or increase) credit card authorizations above the current amount of the order.  Uplift amounts are not seen in screens or emails. Possible options are:

None - No uplift will occur

Fixed - The uplift amount will be a constant amount. 

Percentage of Total Order - The uplift amount is a percent of the total order including backordered lines.  This must be a whole number.  For example 7%.  This means that for each credit card authorization that is taken 7% will be added.


Credit Card Uplift Authorization Amount

When uplift is set to fixed this will be the uplift amount. This must be a whole number. For example $10.  This means that for the first credit card authorization per order $10 will be added.

Enable PayPal Credit

Determines if PayPal Credit will be available as a payment method.  Please note the payment instrument configured for PayPal will be used.  When enabled PayPal Credit may be used in the following:

Place Order

Anonymous (Guest) Checkout

Pay by Email

Pay Invoice

Quote Acceptance (CMS only)


Default Customer
Sales > Settings

For POS stores the address number is used for cash and carry sales orders for which no consumer/customer number is entered.


For Web stores, the address number is used to get pricing for an anonymous web user.   Additionally, this address number is used in orders placed following the “Continue without registering” check-out process.


In any case if a customer is not selected for the order the tax area and reason for the default Customer defined here will be used.

Default Country
Profile > Settings

Default Country for new addresses entry.  Utilized in Retail Point of Sale in Create Customer, Customers Maintenance – Add Credit Card, Customers Maintenance – Add Shipment, Payment – New Credit Card, and Order – Shipping – Add Shipping. Utilized in Ecommerce in My Account – Ship To’s - Add Ship To, Register, Payments – “Add credit card” and “Add Bank account”, Checkout – One Time Ship To Address, Checkout – Add Ship To Address, Order Status, and Guest Checkout.

Marketing Code Default Value
Sales > Settings
The default marketing code automatically applied to the order. If left blank, no default value will be displayed. If you specify a default marketing code you can override it in the order as needed.


Notify Sales Person when a customer places an order
Ecommerce > Settings

Notify Sales Person when a customer places a sales order or quote. Sales Person will receive a copy of the order confirmation email. Value can be:  Always notify, Notify based on Sales Person web account preference, Do not notify. When notifications are sent all sales people that are related with the customer will receive the email. 

Other Payment 1 Payment Instrument
Defines the user defined code (00/PY) assigned to each payment method specifically allowed within the system. Please note POS is hard coded to display "Gift Certificate" no matter which payment instrument is selected here.  Also, when configured for POS the payment instrument selected must also be configured with 1SC01 in 00/PY or unexpected results may occur.
Other Payment 2 Payment Instrument
Defines the user defined code (00/PY) assigned to each payment method specifically allowed within the system. Please note POS is hard coded to display "Coupon" no matter which payment instrument is selected here.  Also, when configured for POS the payment instrument selected must also be configured with 1SC02 in 00/PY or unexpected results may occur.
Marketing Code Behavior
Sales > Settings

Designates the marketing code functionality desired during order entry. Possible values are:

Hide - don't display marketing code field

Display Not Required - marketing code field as optional

Display Required - marketing code field is required


Display product number
For CMS stores this is the product number that will be displayed upon entry and validation of a product. For Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) stores this is the product number shown in order and invoice history. This is also the product number that will be used throughout the Management Console. 
Google Analytics Product category code
Web Site > Google Analytics

You may pass an item UDC code from JDE to Google Analytics to appear in the Item Category in Google Analytics. For this setting, enter the ERP Item Master (F4101) category code you wish to use.

Google Analytics Product brand category code
Web Site > Google Analytics
You may pass an item UDC code from JDE to Google Analytics to appear in the Item Brand in Google Analytics. For this setting, enter the ERP Item Master (F4101) category code you wish to use.
Google Analytics Affiliation name
Web Site > Google Analytics

Per Google, Affiliation name is "a product affiliation is used to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location."

Note: Affiliation name is only used on the purchase event at the transaction level. 

Display product images
Web Site > General Behavior

You can decide to show/hide product images on your website. When the setting is setup to show images, you must configure the Product Thumbnail Sizes.

This setting affects all widgets except Catalog and Search Results. These widgets have a property in the designer to allow user to configure to Show/ Hide images and to select the image thumbnail size.

JQuery plugins allowed domain origins
Web Site > Security

Configure a list of domain sites that Jquery Plugins have access to (separated by commas). Each plugin verifies that if the domain is not in this list of this setting, the plugin gives an Authorization error and the plugin will not work. If this setting is left blank then any site can use the plugins.

Promotion code behavior
Sales > Settings
The options are:
  • Hide
  • Display not required
  • Display required
Comments level
Sales > Settings
Designates the Order Comment Level enabled during the checkout process (logged user or guest). The options are:
  • None - no order comment allowed
  • Header - one comment per order
  • Detail first line only - one order comment per shipment and applies to the first line of the shipment
  • Detail all lines - applies comment to all lines within a shipment
Shipment level type
Sales > Settings
The options are:
  • Order Level - Allows one shipment address per order. Also tells the system that web user edits to fields such as requested date will be done at the order level. For pickup orders the message, “All items must be shipped or picked up at the same address” may appear.
  • Detail Level - Allows multi-shipment addresses per order. Also tells the system that web user edits to fields such as requested date will be done at the detail line level.
Unit of measure display mode

Unit of measure display mode. The options are: 

  • Do not display UOM
  • Show UOM as a display only field
  • Enable UOM selection by the user
Please note that when this setting allows the user to selection a new UOM the list of UOM available to the customer is dependent on the F41003 (primary and transaction UOM as well as all UOM that can be converted to those) or the F41002 (all UOM for the item).  In all cases the UOM must be configured for the Store to appear in the Ecommerce selection list.
Catalog provider

Defines the website catalog provider. The options are:

  • Internal with App Search
  • Internal with Elasticsearch
  • External
Products default unit of measure calculation mode
Unit of Measure
Defines how the default unit of measure is calculated for products. The options are:
  • Use P4210 settings
  • Use Product Pricing UOM
  • Use Product Primary UOM
  • Use a specific UOM
Display product images in tabular mode
Web Site > General Behavior
Determines if product images will be displayed in tabular mode.
Product listing thumbnail size
Web Site > General Behavior
This size is used in grid and list mode listings. For example, in widgets like Wish List, Most Viewed, Recently Viewed, etc. This size is also used in the Content display mode. For example, in widgets like Shopping History, Shopping Cart, Invoice History, etc. SmarterCommerceThumbnail 120X120 recommended.  Please note if you image(s) are smaller than the recommended size you may see excess white space.  For more information on creating new thumbnail sizes please click  here
Product listing small thumbnail size
Web Site > General Behavior
This size will be used in carousels, in the Tabular display mode, compare bar, and in floating popups. If required, select a smaller size than the Product listing thumbnail size. SmarterCommerceCarousel 80X80 recommended. Please note if you image(s) are smaller than the recommended size you may see excess white space.  For more information on creating new thumbnail sizes please click  here
Terms and Conditions acceptance behavior
Web Site > General Behavior
Shopping Cart, Order Process, Return Order, Guest Checkout and Register widgets allow you to show or hide Terms and Conditions. If the widget is set to show Terms and Conditions this setting defines if acceptance is required or not.  If acceptance is required you may choose first time acceptance or always.  Please note that Guest Checkout and Register widgets will always ask for acceptance.
Google Analytics version
Web Site > Google Analytics

.Google Analytics version in use. Choose from:

  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
  • Universal Analytics (UA)
  • Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Allow User to Place Orders
If the user does not have permission to place orders then the place order option is hidden.
View Credit Cards on File
If web user does not have the permission to view credit cards on file then the section is hidden.
  • Premier.ECommerce.Order
  • Premier.Commerce.Marketing
  • Premier.Tax.Avatax
  • Premier.SCMail

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