Customer Cross Reference
Cross Reference functionality enables an authenticated web user (customer, not consumer) to define and update cross references between the inventory products and their own product numbers.
The following is a list of pages where users can choose to see their item numbers:
Catalog Listing
View Cart
Saved Carts
Order Review
Multiple Shipping Address
Order Confirmation
Order Detail
Invoice Detail
Modify Order
Modify Order - Insert Items - Wish List Tab
Modify Order - Order Review
Import Order
Wish List
Quote Order
Quote Review
Quote Confirmation
Quote Detail
Quote Acceptance
Quote - Multiple Shipping Destinations
The following is a list of pages where users can choose to Add to Cart using their own item numbers:
Modify Order - Insert Items - Quick Order tab
Import Order
Quick Order
Sample Views
1- Customer Cross Reference
2- Customer Cross Reference Advanced Filter
3- Products Search Assistant
4- Edit Cross Reference Product
5- Edit Massive Cross Reference Products
6- Add Cross Reference Product
7- Import Cross Reference Products
Determines the inventory category code values which can be purchased via the web site.
Used only in Web Stores - Inventory stocking types which can be purchased via Web Store. Stocking type ‘O’ (Obsolete) can never be purchased. However, ‘U’ (Use Up-Obsolete) can be purchased via the web site up to the quantity you have remaining. Possible values are:
All inventory stocking types can be added to cart
Limited Only the selected inventory stocking types may be added to cart
Notify Sales Person when a customer places a sales order or quote. Sales Person will receive a copy of the order confirmation email. Value can be: Always notify, Notify based on Sales Person web account preference, Do not notify. When notifications are sent all sales people that are related with the customer will receive the email.
Indicates the number of days an announcement will be displayed past its published date. If 0 then all announcements will be displayed.
The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the second email notification.
The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the third email notification.
- Enable user to change the number of records per page
- Show fixed records per page
- No paging
You can decide to show/hide product images on your website. When the setting is setup to show images, you must configure the Product Thumbnail Sizes.
This setting affects all widgets except Catalog and Search Results. These widgets have a property in the designer to allow user to configure to Show/ Hide images and to select the image thumbnail size.