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Release 7.0

Customer Cross Reference

scCustomerCrossReference sc-customer-cross-reference

Cross Reference functionality enables an authenticated web user (customer, not consumer) to define and update cross references between the inventory products and their own product numbers.

The following is a list of pages where users can choose to see their item numbers:

Catalog Listing

View Cart

Saved Carts

Order Review

Multiple Shipping Address

Order Confirmation

Order Detail

Invoice Detail

Modify Order

Modify Order - Insert Items - Wish List Tab

Modify Order - Order Review

Import Order

Wish List

Quote Order

Quote Review

Quote Confirmation

Quote Detail

Quote Acceptance

Quote - Multiple Shipping Destinations


The following is a list of pages where users can choose to Add to Cart using their own item numbers:

Modify Order - Insert Items - Quick Order tab

Import Order

Quick Order


Sample Views

1- Customer Cross Reference
Customer cross reference information may be filtered by Active, Expired or Future.  Mass actions to Edit or Delete are also available. 
2- Customer Cross Reference Advanced Filter
When the Filters button is pressed advanced filter options are enabled.  The user will entered the desired search information and press Filter. Cross reference records meeting those filters will then be displayed.
3- Products Search Assistant
The search assistance will help users locate the item they wish to see cross reference information.
4- Edit Cross Reference Product
In this view the user can modify their product number, the description, or the validity date range for a cross reference record. 
5- Edit Massive Cross Reference Products
When several cross reference product records are selected the Edit mass action will allow the user to change the validity date for those records. 
6- Add Cross Reference Product
Cross reference product records may be added manually one record at a time (single) or imported. To add a record manually the user will enter the desired cross reference information and click Add.  Please note the effective date will default in as "today's date" and the expiration date will default to the last day of the year defined in JDE data item CENTCHG. 
7- Import Cross Reference Products
Cross reference product records may be added manually one record at a time (single) or imported. To import one or more records the user must first create a file containing the information to be imported. Please note that the file must be in a particular format for this utility to work. The user can see the format by pressing the Download CVS Template. To use the import utility the user should browse for the file and then press the import link. 
Cross Reference Type for Customer Product Number
Ecommerce > Settings
JD Edwards item cross reference type code representing customer item number.
Sales Restriction - by Cat Code
Inventory > Settings

Determines the inventory category code values which can be purchased via the web site.

Stocking Type Restriction
Inventory > Settings

Used only in Web Stores - Inventory stocking types which can be purchased via Web Store. Stocking type ‘O’ (Obsolete) can never be purchased.  However, ‘U’ (Use Up-Obsolete) can be purchased via the web site up to the quantity you have remaining.  Possible values are:

All inventory stocking types can be added to cart

Limited Only the selected inventory stocking types may be added to cart

SmarterCommerce Catalog product Restriction
Inventory > Settings
When enabled a product must exist in at least one published catalog to be able to add to cart. 


Notify web user when profile information is changed from website
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent to the user when web account has changed from the website.
Notify web user when profile information is changed from Management Console
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent when profile is changed from within Management Console.


Notify Sales Person when a customer places an order
Ecommerce > Settings

Notify Sales Person when a customer places a sales order or quote. Sales Person will receive a copy of the order confirmation email. Value can be:  Always notify, Notify based on Sales Person web account preference, Do not notify. When notifications are sent all sales people that are related with the customer will receive the email. 

Display announcements from last n days
Ecommerce > Settings

Indicates the number of days an announcement will be displayed past its published date. If 0 then all announcements will be displayed.

Abandon Cart - 1st Notice
Ecommerce > Settings
The number of days after cart is abandoned that 1st notification should be sent.
Abandon Cart - 2nd Notice
Ecommerce > Settings

The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the second email notification. 

Abandon Cart - 3rd Notice
Ecommerce > Settings

The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the third email notification.

Default page size - On List
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The default page size when viewing products in list mode.
Number of products per page - On List
Web Site > Paging Configuration
Define the numbers of products the to display per page in List Mode.
Paging display mode
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The options are:
  • Enable user to change the number of records per page
  • Show fixed records per page
  • No paging
Display product images
Web Site > General Behavior

You can decide to show/hide product images on your website. When the setting is setup to show images, you must configure the Product Thumbnail Sizes.

This setting affects all widgets except Catalog and Search Results. These widgets have a property in the designer to allow user to configure to Show/ Hide images and to select the image thumbnail size.

Enable preferences cookies
Web Site > Cookies
Enable preferences cookies (used to save web user preferences like page size, sort by, search mode, delimiter, and layout mode).
Display product number
For CMS stores this is the product number that will be displayed upon entry and validation of a product. For Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) stores this is the product number shown in order and invoice history. This is also the product number that will be used throughout the Management Console. 
Number of products per page - On Grid
Web Site > Paging Configuration
Define the numbers of products the to display per page in Grid Mode.
Default page size - On Grid
Web Site > Paging Configuration
The default page size when viewing products in grid mode.
Product listing thumbnail size
Web Site > General Behavior
This size is used in grid and list mode listings. For example, in widgets like Wish List, Most Viewed, Recently Viewed, etc. This size is also used in the Content display mode. For example, in widgets like Shopping History, Shopping Cart, Invoice History, etc. SmarterCommerceThumbnail 120X120 recommended.  Please note if you image(s) are smaller than the recommended size you may see excess white space.  For more information on creating new thumbnail sizes please click  here
Modify Cross Reference
Designates if the web user can modify cross reference products.

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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.