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Release 7.0

scAccountNavigator sc-account-balance
This control is used to render a profile navigator. Administrator can configure the options to be displayed and the control validates user permissions to display or hide options. Please note that even with permission, if the default URL is not defined in the mapping the link will not appear.
In top navigation mode the options are seen at the top of the page.

Sample Views

1- Popup Horizontal - Authenticated
While using top navigation mode this view is used to show the My Account option in a horizontal format. This view is only available when user is authenticated. 
2- Popup Vertical - Authenticated
While using top navigation mode this view is used to show the My Account option in a vertical format.
3- Login
The view is used to allow the web user to login to their web account.
4- Not Authenticated - Remember Me
Display Mode
Defines if the account navigator is displayed horizontal or vertical popup.
Redirect Web User After a successful login
Defines if the user is redirected to another page after login. Available only when Display Mode is Pop up.
Display Register option
Display or hide link to Register link.
Display Dashboard option
Defines if link to Dashboard is displayed.
Display Billing Address option
Required when Display My Account option is turned on. Defines if link to Billing Address view is displayed.
Display My Profile option
Required when Display My Account option is turned on. Defines if link to My Profile view is displayed.
Display Account Balance option
Defines if link to Account Balance is displayed.
Display Invoice Payments option
Defines if link to Invoice Payment is displayed.
Display Invoice History option
Defines if link to Invoice History is displayed.
Display Shopping History option
Defines if link to Shopping History is displayed.
Display Return History option
Defines if link to Return History is displayed.
Display Quote History option
Defines if link to Quote History is displayed.
Display Quote Cart option
Defines if link to Quote Cart is displayed.
Display Customer Cross Reference Items option
Defines if link to Customer Cross Reference Items is displayed.
Display Logout option
Defines if logout link is displayed.
Sign In Mode

Defines how the widget will behave after login. Options are Popup, Redirect to login page. Default value is Popup horizontal. Default value is Popup. This property is only when the user is not authenticated.

Web Account URL
Defines the Ecommerce CMS Login landing page. (URL is required). Available when Sign in Mode is Popup and when Display Mode is Pop up and Redirect Web User after a Successful Login is checked. 
Sales Person Clients URL

Defines the URL for Sales Person Client selection page (URL is required). Available when Sign in Mode is Popup and when Display Mode is Pop up and Redirect Web User after a Successful Login is checked. 

Display Login Label
Display or hide the login option. Default value is false.
Registration URL
Required when Display Register option is turned on. Defines the Ecommerce CMS Registration page. 
Display “It’s not my account" URL
Display or hide “It’s not my account” option. Display only when user is remembered. Default value is false.
It’s Not My Account URL
Required when check to display "It's not my account". Defines the URL for "It’s not my account" landing page. When user clicks on It’s not my account, and after executing the Forgot user process, user will be redirected to this page.   
Elements to Display When User is Authenticated
Defines how the username information will display. Options are Account Label, User Name, and Account Label & User Name. Default value is Account Label.
Link to Customer Service
Defines the URL for Customer Service contact information page.  
My Account URL
Required when Display Dashboard option is turned on. Defines the URL for My Account page.
Display Announcements Option
Defines if link to Announcements view is displayed.
Announcements URL
Required when Announcements option is turned on. Defines the URL for Announcements page.
Display Saved Cart Option
Defines if link to Saved Cart view is displayed.
Saved Cart URL
Required when Display Saved Cart option is turned on. Defines the URL for Saved Cart page.
Account Balance URL
Required when Display Account Balance option is turned on. Defines the URL for Account Balance page.
Invoice Payment URL
Required when Display Invoice Payment option is turned on. Defines the URL for Invoice Payment page.
Display Schedule Payments Option
Defines if link to Schedule Payment is displayed.
Invoice Payments URL
Required when Display Schedule Payment option is turned on. Defines the URL for Invoice Payment page in Schedule Payment mode.
Invoice History URL
Required when Display Invoice History option is turned on. Defines the URL for Invoice History page.
Display Payment History Option
Defines if link to Payment Search is displayed.
Payment Search URL
Required when Display Payment History option is turned on. Defines the URL for Payment Search page.
Shopping History URL
Required when Display Shopping History option is turned on. Defines the URL for Shopping History page. 
Return History URL
Required when Display Return History option is turned on. Defines the URL for Return History page.
Quote History URL
Required when Display Quote History option is turned on. Defines the URL for Quote History page. 
Link to Quote Cart
Required when Display Quote Cart option is turned on. Defines if link to Quote Cart page.
Customer Cross Reference Products URL
Required when Display Customer Cross Reference Products option is turned on. Defines the URL for Customer Cross Reference Products page.
Display Quick Order Option
Defines if link to Quick Order is displayed.
Quick Order URL
Required when Display Quick Order option is turned on. Defines if link to Quick Order page.
Logout Landing Page
Required when Display Logout option is turned on. Defines the landing page URL used after a Logout process.
Display Wish List option
Defines if link to Wish List is displayed.
Wish List URL
Defines the URL for Wish List page. Available when display Wish List option is turned on. (URL is required). 
Display Request Access Option
Display or hide the link to the Request Access view. Default is false. 
Schedule Payment URL

Defines the URL for Schedule Payment page. Required when Display Schedule Payment is turned on.

Display AutoPay Rules Option
Defines if link to AutoPay Rules is displayed.
AutoPay Rules URL

Defines the URL for AutoPay Rules page. Required when Display AutoPay Rules is turned on.

Quote Entry P4210 Version
Sales > Quotes
Designates the version of the Sales Order application (P4210) that will be used in the Solution for quote order entry.
Notify web user when profile information is changed from website
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent to the user when web account has changed from the website.
Request Access
Ecommerce > Registration
Determines the default status for web accounts created through the request access process.
Notify web user when profile information is changed from Management Console
Ecommerce > Settings
Determines if an email will be sent when profile is changed from within Management Console.


Cross Reference Type for Customer Product Number
Ecommerce > Settings
JD Edwards item cross reference type code representing customer item number.
Notify Sales Person when a customer places an order
Ecommerce > Settings

Notify Sales Person when a customer places a sales order or quote. Sales Person will receive a copy of the order confirmation email. Value can be:  Always notify, Notify based on Sales Person web account preference, Do not notify. When notifications are sent all sales people that are related with the customer will receive the email. 

Display announcements from last n days
Ecommerce > Settings

Indicates the number of days an announcement will be displayed past its published date. If 0 then all announcements will be displayed.

Abandon Cart - 1st Notice
Ecommerce > Settings
The number of days after cart is abandoned that 1st notification should be sent.
Abandon Cart - 2nd Notice
Ecommerce > Settings

The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the second email notification. 

Abandon Cart - 3rd Notice
Ecommerce > Settings

The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the third email notification.

Delete Persistent Shopping Carts Older Than n Days
Ecommerce > Settings

The maximum number of days a persistent cart should remain in your system.  Leave this field blank to inactivate this functionality.


Membership provider name
Web Site

To manage users separated by site in Sitefinity, it is necessary to set up a Membership Provider for each site. Each website must be configured with the corresponding Membership Provider using this setting. The setting maintenance displays the membership providers that exist in Sitefinity. 

After creating the provider,  you must restart the application by modifying the Sitefinity web.config file or following the steps in the Sitefinity Documentation (

After the application restarts, you will see that the new provider is active.

Beginning with version 7.1 standard Sitefinity Site-Specific Users will be utilized to manage Membership Provider.  For more information click here

Enable profile cookies
Web Site > Cookies
Enable profile cookies (used for Remember Me functionality and to save language preference).
Automatically logout users from other HTTP clients on login
Web Site > Security

Sitefinity limits users’ concurrent sessions so that they are not allowed to be logged in simultaneously from different browsers and machines. When trying to login to the website if there is another valid session open for a given user there will be an additional question to confirm to log out the previous session.  This setting allows you to automatically logout users out from other HTTP clients upon login.

View Shopping History
If the web user does not have permission to view order history then Shopping History option is hidden.
Quote Order Entry
Determines if the web user is allowed to create quotes.
Quote Order Conversion to Sales Order
If the web user does not have permission to convert quotes then the user is redirected to an internal error page where an error message is displayed. (“You are not authorized to execute this action”).
View Returns History
If the web user does not have permission to view returns history then Returns History option is hidden.
View Account Balance
If the web user does not have permission to View Account Balance then Account Balance option is hidden.
Modify Cross Reference
Designates if the web user can modify cross reference products.
Pay Invoices
Determines if the web user is allowed to pay invoices.
View Invoice History
If web user does not have permission to View Invoice History then the user is redirected to an internal error page where an error message is displayed. (“You are not authorized to execute this action”).
View Credit Cards on File
If web user does not have the permission to view credit cards on file then the section is hidden.
Modify Credit Cards
If the user navigates to this view in edit mode and does not have permission to modify credit cards then the user is redirected to an error page.
Add Credit Card
If user does not have permission to add new credit cards the option is hidden.
View Bank Accounts on File
If the user does not have permission to view bank accounts on file then this section is hidden.
Modify Bank Accounts On File
Determines if the web user has permission to modify bank accounts on file (ACH).
Add New Bank Accounts On File
Determines if web user has permission to add new bank accounts on file.
View Contacts
If web user does not have permission to view contacts then contacts summary is hidden.
Modify Contact
If the web user does not have permission to modify contacts the edit contact option is hidden.
Add Contact
If user does not have permission to add new contacts the option is hidden.
Sales Person Continue Buying for Yourself
With this permission, a sales person may choose to shop and buy items from your site for their own use. Without this permission they may not shop on behalf of themselves and instead shop only on behalf of their related clients.
  • Premier.ECommerce.Invoices

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