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Payment Processing

Batch Authorization of Credit Card Transactions - RQ6704201

During sales order entry you capture the customer’s credit card transaction information and transmit the order amount through your middleware solution (credit card processor).  The processor then verifies the cardholder’s accounts for available funds and places a hold equivalent to the order amount on the customer’s credit line.  The credit card processor then returns an authorization code to you. The authorization process varies based on your credit card processor.  If the authorization is successful the system returns an authorization code and the system updates the transaction status in the Prepayment Transaction table. 

There will be scenarios where an authorization will not be obtained during order entry.  In those cases, the batch authorization program (RQ6704201) will be utilized.  The most common cases are for future dated line items, line items releasing off of backorder, and EDI batch orders. You will configure the processing options for this report including the next status for orders that you want the report to attempt authorization for. 

Every time the Credit Card Batch Authorization Report (RQ6704201) runs it sums all the lines for an order (F4211/F42119) with a status greater than or equal to the processing option status setting.  It then takes that sum and subtracts any previous authorizations (searches for records in F004201 for the order with status 02 or 05). The remaining amount is the amount it will attempt to authorize. Therefore, a newly obtained authorization for an order will be for an amount that covers anything on the order that has yet to settle.

It is important to note that the following hierarchy will be utilized to determine which record from the prepayment table (F004201) will be copied and used to attempt the new authorization:

Credit card payment record with status blank

Credit card payment record with Status 02 or 05

Credit card payment record with status is not equal to “Null” or “Blank” and is not equal “02, 05”

Get Default Credit Card from Cards on File if configured

Name Explanation
RQ6704201 Evaluate running this report (single threaded queue) after backorder release, but right before pick tickets, to ensure that you have a valid authorization for any released product before you ship it.

Evaluate running this report (single threaded queue) after running the Authorized CC Expiring Report (RQ6704205) to ensure you have fresh authorizations for any that were expired by the report.
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