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Maintain User

Once a user record has been located it can be edited by simply clicking on the tile.  Once you have completed your edits press Save.

Name Explanation
Mailing Name The name of the user.
Email Address The email address of the user.
Mobile Phone The mobile phone associated to the user.
Change Password Button

To reset the users password and provide a temporary password for login by user.  It is recommended that Force password change at next login be active to force new user to change their password upon login.


Allow change password

A flag that indicates if the user can change their password.  Possible values are: 

Checked User is allowed to change password

Not Checked User is not allowed to change password

Force Password Change Password at Next Login

A flag that indicates that the user must change password at the next login.  Possible values are:

Checked User must change password at next login

Not Checked User is not required to change password at next login

Account Locked-out

A flag that indicates if the user has been locked out.  Normally a user is locked out through repeated login attempt failures. (Refer to Security Policies for number of attempts designation)  Possible values are: 

Checked User has been locked out

Not Checked User has not been locked out


Account Disabled

A flag that indicates if the user has been disabled or is active.  Normally a user is disabled when it no longer forms part of the company.  Possible values are: 

Checked User can access the system

Not Checked User has been disabled

Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security mechanism that requires a second verification factor during login process to gain access to the application. During the login process, after the standard login has succeeded, if the user profile is enrolled for MFA the process will request the secondary security code for successful login.
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Bring It All Together

We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.