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Company Default Data

This menu option is available from Base, Web, and POS stores.

Profile company data provides a mechanism for setting default values for certain profile fields that will automatically default upon addition of a company.  

The three tabs available are Bill To, Ship To, and Phone type.  Enter the data as needed and remember to press Save to commit your selections.

Bill To
Company Set As The database set of tables can be defined as either the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne™ address Book/Customer Database or the Consumer Database.  This setting will ensure that the values entered are acceptable for the field. 


Beginning Status Determines if the newly added record will be active or inactive.
Search Type Determines the search type for the new record. For customers the UDC 01|ST will be used and for consumers the UDC 59|CT will be used.
Business Unit Sets the JDE business unit (MCU) on the new record. 
Person Corporate Code Determines if the record being created will be flagged as a person or a corporation.
Who's Who Contact Zero Type Sets the contact type for the first who's who record added to the Bill To.


Rest of Who's Who Contact Type Sets the contact type for all other who's who records added to the Bill To.
Billing Address Type The billing address type is used to determine if the record being added is a bill to only, a ship to or both.
Adjustment Schedule Adjustment schedules are used by advanced pricing and may impact pricing.
Customer Price Group Customer price groups are used by advanced pricing and may impact pricing.
Customer PO Required Determines if a PO number must be recorded for each order before the order can be submitted.
Backorders Allowed This setting indicates if a customer/consumer will accept backorders or not. If this setting is set to no any products out of stock (on backorder) will be cancelled form the order.
Partial Shipments Allowed This setting indicates if a customer/consumer will accept partial orders or not. A partial order is when some products are in stock and shippable and some are not.
Payment AR Terms Sets the payment terms for AR invoices on the newly added record.
Payment Instrument If the customer/consumer typically pays with the same payment method the payment instrument can be defaulted into the record when it is created.
Credit Limit Designates the amount of credit your company will extend to each newly added customer.
Credit Manager The address book number of the credit manager each new record should be assigned.
Credit Message A message used to reflect a customer's status.  Credit message is manually set in the AR record.
Collection Manager The address book number of the collection manager to be assigned to each new record.
Policy Name The policy name to assign to the newly created AR record in JDE. For more information on JDE functionality relating to policy name please consult JDE.
Line of Business Designates the default line of business that will be loaded for newly added company records even if Line of Business is set to inactive.  LOB may impact pricing.
GL Offset Enter the GL Offset that will be written to the newly created record.  JDE uses the GL offset to determine which AAI will be used for posting.
Ship To
Beginning Status Determines if the newly added record will be active or inactive.
Search Type Determines the search type for the new ship to record. For customers the UDC 01|ST will be used and for consumers the UDC 59|CT will be used.
Business Unit Sets the JDE business unit (MCU) on the new ship to record. 
Person Corporate Code Determines if the ship to record being created will be flagged as a person or a corporation.
Billing Address Type The billing address type is used to determine if the ship to record being added is a bill to only, a ship to or both.
Who's Who Type Designates the who's who contact type for all Ship To's entered for newly added company.
Phone Type
Main Phone Type Designates the type of phone number being added for a company type record.  For example business, cell, or home.

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