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Add Category Node

A category node is simply a new level within your catalog. Your catalog will be viewed in a tree-like format. To manually add a category node click the Add Category Node link.  Enter a name for the category node which will be published to end users.  Once named you can enter the proper information as described below. Upon entry of the information click Save. The record will be saved and displayed within the listing. 

Basic Setup Tab - fields are explained below.

Products Tab - The products tab allows you to define and search products that will be displayed in the category node.   If the category node is based on "Specific products" you can set the viewing sequence of those products by pressing the Sequence action. 

Basic Setup
Name Explanation
Name A brief description of the child category node.  This description of the family or subfamily within the catalog will be published for selection by the web end user.
Get Related Products Method

This setting determines which products will be shown in the category node.  The choices are: 

Category Code - This selection means that you want to specify a product category code to be used to select the products to show in this category node. When you select the product category code you then select the value the category code must have in order to show the product. 

Specific products - This selection means that you are going to specify one at a time the products associated to the category node.  

None - This selection means that the category node is a header or separator only and no products are associated to the category node.

Image The image associated to category node.  Image size can vary depending on number of columns, refer to Quantity of Columns Per Row in Catalog Category Node List Columnar Mode constant within same area.
Effective Dates Indicates whether the category node is date range effective or not.  Expired category nodes will not show in Ecommerce.

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