Management Console Store
Assign Announcement (Audience)
Announcement Assignments are used when you want to limit who can see an announcement – or in other words, if you want the announcement to go to a specific audience.
To add an assignment, click the Assignments button on the Announcements list page, next to the applicable Announcement.
Click Create at the top of the page. A window will pop-up to define who will receive the announcement based on your ERP data and website data. You’ll first choose an Assignment Type (data element that will guide who receives the announcement) and then select the specific values (address codes, web accounts, etc.) that should receive the announcement. For more information about Assignment Types, see table below.
You can make multiple assignments to one announcement (that is, you can have multiple audiences or groups of web accounts receive the announcement). To make additional assignments, repeat the steps above.
If the announcement has no assignments, then it can be viewed by any web account for the stores you defined on the Edit Announcement page. Once an assignment is created it limits who will receive and see the announcement.

Name | Explanation |
Assignment Type | Determines which type of web account the announcement will be assigned to. Options are: Address Book Category Code Only web accounts with the JDE address book category code and value defined will receive the announcement Consumer Category Code Only web accounts with the consumer category code and value defined will receive the announcement Customer Number Only web accounts with the JDE address book number specified will receive the announcement. (Assignment based on An8 and not contact ID per An8) Consumer Number Only web accounts with the JDE address book number specified will receive the announcement Web Account Only the web account specified will receive the announcement |
Assignment Value | Defines the specific values used for the assignment. Select the values for the web accounts that you want to receive the announcement. |