Management Console Store
Create Announcement
To create a new announcement press the Create (+) button and fill in the information as described below and press Save. Once the announcement is saved you will be redirected to the Edit Announcement screen where you will populate the content for the announcement and set up additional configurations Go to Edit Announcement page to learn more.
Name | Explanation |
Announcement Title | The customer-facing name used for this announcement. |
Display Only In This Date Range | Determines when the announcement will be visible. If you would like the announcement to display immediately upon publishing and to never expire, leave the box unchecked. If you would like the announcement to only display during a specific date range, check the checkbox and enter the dates you want the announcement to display to your customers. If the announcement is created with an effective date of 1/20 and you publish it on 1/15, the announcement will display on 1/20. If the announcement has an end date of 1/30, it will expire and no longer appear after 1/30. |