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Common Processes

Add to Cart Validations - When the user attempts to add a product to the cart the application will execute several validations to ensure that the product is not restricted. These validations consist of Catalog Restrictions, Customer Item restrictions, Stocking Type Restrictions, and Category Code Restrictions. The process first checks to see if the product exists in at least one published catalog. Then customer item restrictions are checked. After that stocking type is validated. Finally, the process checks the category code restrictions.

Catalog Restrictions - The purpose of this validation is to verify that the product belongs to at least one published catalog before it can be added to cart. A Catalog widget setting is available to turn on/off this validation as desired. If the validation is on and the product is not available in a published catalog the application displays "Item is not available" message.

Item Exclusion and Inclusion Lists - In the JD Edwards customer master on the Billing Page 1 tab there is a field called item restrictions. Please note that when the user is not authenticated the default customer address book number will be used to determine item restrictions. The CMS obeys item restrictions functionality when an item is added to cart.  Included Items - When the item restriction is set to "I" only the items in F4013 can be added to cart. Excluded Items - When the item restriction is set to "E" the items in F4013 will not be able to be added to cart.

Stocking Type Restrictions - Based on Management Console settings products can be restricted for purchase by their stocking type. Meaning that products can be displayed in the catalog(s), but the user will not be able to add them to the cart. However, there are a couple of other things to keep in mind when working with stocking types:

  • Use Up Stock Functionality - When the stocking type on the item branch record is "U" this activates use up stock functionality. When the product is added to the cart CMS will check the item branch record. If the stocking type is "U" then the system will allow the user to purchase up to the quantity available. If the quantity they are requesting is more than the quantity available they will be notified on the view cart page. If they continue with the purchase the quantity purchased will be reduced to the quantity available.
  • Obsolete Items - If the user attempts to add a product to the cart that has a branch plant stocking type of “O” they will receive the error message. If the branch stocking type for the item is “U” and the item has no availability the user will also receive the error, the item will not be added to the cart, and the user will not be able to purchase the item.
  • Category Code Restrictions - The first step in validating the category code restrictions is to determine the stocking type on the item master. If the item master stocking type is set to non-stock (N) then the category codes from the item master will be used. If the stocking type on the item master is not “N” then the category codes from the branch plant will be used for validation. If the category code on the item is not an "allowed" category code according to the Management Console setting the product will not be added to the cart and the user will see the "Please Contact Customer Service" message.

Kit Processing – Kit processing allows the user to order a bundle of items known in JDE as a kit. Typically kits are setup with a parent item and then component items. Some component items are required, and some are not. Due to the nature of kits CMS handles them and displays them as described below.

  • Catalog - In the catalog, the user will see only the parent kit item. They will not see kit components in the catalog listing. Please note that business unit restrictions apply at the kit parent item level, but not at the kit component level. In addition CMS observes the same rules as JDE pertaining to item restrictions. For more information on how JDE handles items restrictions for kit items (parent and components) please refer to Oracle support.
  • Item Content - In the item content the user will see the kit components expanded. They may pick and choose which optional kit items to include in their kit. However, required items cannot be removed from the kit. Also, please note that the user cannot alter the quantity of the item offered in the kit nor can they alter the unit of measure for any of the components.
  • View Cart - Kits added to the cart can be viewed expanded (showing all components) or collapsed. While in the view cart the user can alter the components included in the kit by pressing the Change Components button. Please note that kits will not accumulate quantity even if the system is configured to do so in Management Console. Kits are always inserted as a separate line.
  • Order Review - During the checkout process guests and logged users will see the kit parent item. Components can be review by pressing the Expand icon. Also, components can be edited by pressing the Change Components button. Please note that during the checkout process the kit features will not be displayed only the selected components.
  • Miscellaneous - There are some other miscellaneous points regarding kits as follows:
    • Order and Invoice History will display the parent kit item with the components indented
    • Modification of an order with a kit as well as adding a kit during order modification is supported
    • The quote process will support kit processing
    • Kits added from quick order, massive add to cart or wish list are added with default/required components only
    • Kits added via wish list or import order will preserve the kit parent item, but not components
    • Only standard JDE kits are supported at this time.
    • Override Business Unit functionality will not apply to kits
      • Product Availability Page
      • Catalog Branch Plant Add to Cart Behavior
    • Kit components that are edited in JDE will be utilized immediately (without catalog generation) by Ecommerce.

Matrix Items - Matrix items are a collection of unique items displayed using JDE segmented item functionality. Matrix items may be seen in the catalog based on setup. When item content for an item configured as a matrix parent (F4101.IMMIC =1) is accessed the matrix grid will be built and displayed. The web user will then be able to customize the item(s) to add to the cart. Based on configuration the web user may add one matrix item or multiple combinations at a time.

Since parent matrix items will not have quantity available for sale when the Add To Cart button is pressed on any of the following pages the user will be redirected to Item Content page and the matrix displayed.

  • Catalog
  • Search
  • More Info
  • Wish List
  • Import Order
  • Most viewed control
  • Most viewed full list
  • Recently viewed control
  • Recently viewed full list
  • Compare Products
  • Product availability
  • Replacements Products
  • Associated Products (cross-selling and upselling)

Configured Items - Configurator is a JD Edwards tool that automates the selection and configuration of highly complex products that may have related features and options. Unlike a kit (which is a set of items sold collectively as a parent item) a configured item is a made-to-order item that is customized/built by the customer based on their specific selections. Configured items are easily recognizable in the item master using stocking type “C”. The price and availability for configured items will not be displayed on the Item Content page. Please note that the user must click the Buy Now button for the configured item to be added to the cart. When a configured item is added to the cart and the user changes the ship-to address the sub lines are not updated with the new ship to.

When the Add To Cart button is pressed on any of the following pages the user will be redirected to a customization page where they may customize the item they wish to purchase.

  • More Information
  • Import Order
  • Catalog
  • Product Content
  • Search
  • Replacement Products
  • Compare Products
  • Invoice Detail
  • Order Detail
  • Wish/Product List
  • Associated Products (cross and up-sell)

Free Goods - A free good is an item/product that the customer receives because of their purchase.  Free goods are seen in the Shopping Cart, Quote Cart, and during Checkout. Free goods will not be indented under any other product and will not display an icon or message. Price, Quantity, Unit of measure, and Total will be displayed.

Effective Address - On pages where a customer address is displayed the information is retrieved from the Address by Date (F0116) table.  The data is ordered by Date-Beginning Effective (EFTB) and the first address where beginning effective date is less than or equal to today's date is returned for display.

Address Formatting - On pages where you must enter or edit an address, CMS uses the Country Constants Master File (F0070) to determine the address format. When the country code is entered the city, street, and zip code fields will hide/show based on the country constants setup. This functionality is used on the following pages:

  • Guest Checkout (billing and shipping address)
  • My Account (billing address, ship to, credit card billing address, )
  • Order Process (shipping address)
  • Register (address)

Branch Plant Address Information - Branch plant mailing name and address information is retrieved using the Address Book Number for the branch in the Inventory Constants (F41001.CIAN8). If there is no record available in the Inventory Constants then the Address Book is read from the Order Address Information (F4006). 

Taxed Pricing - There is a concept in JDE called "Enabled Sales Taxed Pricing" for version 9.0 and higher. To be able to manage taxed prices in JDE the Enable Sales Taxed Prices the check box in the System Constants (P41001) must be activated. This allows JDE to show all pricing (except Backordered lines) with applicable sales tax already included. Functionality has been added to CMS to accommodate this need. When JDE is setup to enable taxed pricing a new setting will be available in the Management Console to enable/disable Taxed Pricing functionality. For more information on this setting please consult the Management Console manual. Please note when taxed pricing is active the customer settings (taxable or not) are bypassed. However, the line type taxable flag will be obeyed.

  • Taxed Pricing Active - When JDE taxed pricing is on and the Management Console setting for Taxed Pricing is set to yes taxed prices will be seen for all order transactions in add mode including but not limited to Sales, Credit, and Quotes transactions. For the user's convenience an informational label will be visible on the following pages to alert them to the fact that prices include tax:
    • View Cart
    • Order Review
    • Order Confirmation
    • Product Content
    • Add to Cart
    • Shopping History
    • Order Detail
    • Modify Order
    • Modify Order Review
    • Compare Products
    • Guest Check Out - Place Order
    • Quote History
    • Quote Detail
    • Place Quote
    • Quote Cart
    • Quote Review
    • Quote Confirmation
    • Invoice History
    • Invoice Detail

In update mode prices will show with or without tax depending on how the transaction was originally processed. For example, for sales the Taxed Price Flag in F4201TX will be read.

  • Taxed Pricing Inactive - When JDE is set to enable taxed pricing, but the Management Console Taxed Pricing is off pricing will not include tax in CMS and all orders will be written without tax included.

Unit of Measure - Determining the default unit of measure to display is a detailed process. First, the override unit of measure processing option in the P4210 is checked. If it is populated then this is the default UOM shown in CMS. However, if it is blank then the Default Transaction Unit of Measure processing option is read. If this option is set to blank then the primary UOM (IMUOM1) is displayed in CMS. If this option is set to 1 then the pricing UOM (IMUOM4) is used as the default UOM in CMS. In any event, the UOM that is determined to be the default UOM must exist in the Store configuration in the Management Console or the first UOM found will be displayed.

Item Branch Plant - When a product is added to the cart or when the user navigates to the Item Content page, the application needs to resolve a branch plant to process the add to cart validations and to calculate price and availability The illustration below demonstrates how the branch is resolved.

Products Always Available - The following products are considered as Always Available if the following condition is meet:

  • If stocking type is C, K, F, N, E, B, or 0
  • Or if Inventory Interface Flag is different than Y

Calculate Availability Message – The first step is to check if the product is valid (check item restrictions). If the product is valid the process continues to check the availability. To check the availability the process needs the following information:

  • Item Number
  • Branch Plant: If this value is not sent, then the process calculates the default branch plant.
  • Quantity
  • P4210 version (P4210 advanced setting for the logged user)
  • Unit of Measure: If empty calculate it using the process

The process will return “Available” as the status if the product meets the “Always Available Condition”. Otherwise, the process reads the “Availability Checking” - P4210 processing option. If the P4210 setting is different than “1” the process will return Available. Otherwise, availability is displayed as follows:

If mnQuantityAvailable < quantity requested

If backorder is allowed (Backorder Allowed)

If mnQuantityAvailable> 0

Return: Partial Backorder


Return: Backordered


Return: Out of Stock


Return: Available


Exporting Data - There may be times when exporting the data seen on screen to an excel file may be helpful. Export functionality is available in several areas including the following:

  • Shopping History
  • Invoice History
  • Return History
  • Quote History
  • Payment History (Header and Detail)
  • Wish List

Open Graph Protocol - Open Graph Protocol is a protocol which allows a web page to become a "rich" object in a social network. More specifically, the Open Graph Protocol is a set of tags given to the major social networks (Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Linked in) with detailed information about the pages. This information will allow the social networks to better display a link on those pages that have been placed by the users. To turn your web pages into graph objects, basic metadata has to be added to the pages. These additional <meta> tags have to be placed in the <head> of the web page.

Not Available Image Configuration by Store - Functionality to allow you to configure different “Not Available” item images per Store in a multisite environment is available.  The application will try to display the image for the specific Store. If image does not exist then the default installed image will be used.  To have custom images the image name must follow this format (NotAvailable-[InstallationID]_[Size].jpg). [Size] must be s, m, or l and an image for each size must be created. For example: NotAvailable-DEV_s.jpg, NotAvailable-DEV_m.jpg, and NotAvailable-DEV_l.jpg.  Images should be copied in this location: .../ResourcePackages/Bootstrap/assets/dist/images/

Zip Code Validation - Zip code format is validated only for US addresses. Format should be either 12345 or 12345-6789. Country UDC special handling code will determine if US country is selected. If special handling code is blank or 840, then proceed with Zip Code validation.  When zip code is entered the Postal Codes (F0117) table is checked and if the zip code exists then the City and State fields are auto-populated. Please note the City and State Information is loaded only if the fields are empty.

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