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Catalog Navigation Integration

Include the plugin reference as follows.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Use the HTML element ID scj-catalog-navigation and configure the parameters using the HTML data attribute. 

Function Parameter
HTML Attribute*
catalogPage data- catalog-page  

Catalog page. **



data- catalog-page=”shop/catalog”
catalogId data-catalog-id 

List of catalogs to display. To display multiple catalogs, type them separated by a comma: data-catalogid=”CA1,CA2,CA3”

viewMode data-view-mode View mode for the catalog navigation control. Possible values are TopNavigation and Sidebar. Default value is TopNavigation. 
catalogLevels data-catalog-levels Configure this property only for TopNavigation view mode. Define how many catalog levels will be displayed. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 3. If the value is 0 then the process uses the maximum (3) levels. Default value is 1. 
displayCatalogGrouped data-display-catalog-grouped Configure this property only for TopNavigation view mode. Display the catalogs or category nodes grouped under the same option. Default value is false. 




* Html attributes have priority over function parameters.

** When a page is not configured, the plugin uses the default page configured in SmarterCommerce Mappings Module (View Additional Information at the end of this guide for more information).

If user does not configure any catalog Id and the display mode is Sidebar, the process takes the SessionContext.CatalogId property as the catalog to display. If this property doesn’t have a value, the plugin will display the first catalog available for the user.

If user does not configure any catalog Id and the display mode is Top, the plugin will display all catalogs available for the user.

The route for the “data- catalog-page” is the relative path where the page is hosted in the Sitefinity CMS site.


Relative Paths examples:

  • index
  • graphics/images
  • help/articles/how-do-i-set-up-a-webpage
  • cart/shopping

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