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Marketing Promotion Code

Marketing promotion codes are configured within the Marketing Code Setup Application (PQ674204). The values setup in the marketing promotional code will be the values to be overridden at order entry when the marketing code is applied to the order.

From Marketing Code Revisions press add to setup promotion code information.

* If a field is left blank, the default values will be populated based on standard EnterpriseOne™ functionality. 

Name Explanation
Marketing Code The marketing code field is a 30-position field representing the event you wish to track.
Description 1 & 2 The description fields provide a mechanism to describe the event.  There are two lines of description available.
Marketing Campaign Optional field that designates the marketing campaign this promotion is related to. 
Business Unit For security purpose only.  An alphanumeric field that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.  Security for this field can prevent you from locating business units for which you have no authority.
Effective Date Effective date range of event.
Allowed on Web Whether this event is permitted on web transactions.(Y or N)
Freight Promotion Designates the freight promotion code associated with this marketing code.  Freight promotions can only be used via association to a Marketing Code.
Customer Group * Customer group field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Adjustment Schedule * Adjustment schedule field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Agreement Number * Agreement number field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Payment Terms * Payment terms field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Line of Business * Line of business field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
End Use * End use field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Duty Status * Duty status field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Mode of Transportation * Mode of transportation field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Price Code 1 * Price code 1 field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Price Code 2 * Price code 2 field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.
Price Code 3 * Price code 3 field to be overridden to at entry of marketing code.

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