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Practical Example

The example below will demonstrate how to create promotional content, associate the promotional content to the catalog, and configure on the Catalog widget where specifically the content will display.

Step 1 - In Sitefinity navigate to the SmarterCommerce menu.

Step 2 - Go to Catalog Management|Promotional Contents.  Create and publish the promotional content.


Step 3 - Locate the catalog you would like to associate the promotional content to.

Step 4 - Now, go to SmarterCommerce|Catalog Management|Catalogs.

Step 5 - Edit the catalog.

Step 6 - In the HTML Content section choose "Use Shared Content" and select the promotional content  you added above.


Step 7 - Publish the change to the catalog.

Step 8 - Now, navigate to the Pages menu.

Step 9 - Locate the page that contains the catalog widget (for example the Catalog page).

Step 10 - Edit the Catalog widget and configure the Content to display in the location desired. Also use content from "Catalog" since in this example we associated the promotional content within the catalog. 

Step 11 - Save and publish the widget change.

Step 12 - Go to your website (front end) and navigate to the catalog page.

Step 13 - Presto! The promotional content now shows within your catalog.

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