User Defined Code (UDC) Definition
Within JD Edwards UDC application (P0004A) configure the following required User Defined Codes (UDCs) necessary for Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation.
UDCs for Address Verification
Address Validation Search - UDC: 59 / AA
If Avalara AvaTax Validate Address is ACTIVE (Yes), set which Address Book Search Types will be validated during address book additions or update. By settings search types in UDC the Avalara AvaTax Validate Address functionality will be executed when a new address book record is added or updated within Address Book Revision application (P01012).
Address Country Validation - UDC: 59 / AC
If Avalara AvaTax Validate Address is ACTIVE (Yes), set which countries will be validated during address book additions or updates and sales order ship to order address overrides. By setting validation countries in UDC the Avalara AvaTax Validate Address functionality will be executed when a new address book record is added or updated within Address Book Revision application (P01012) or a ship to order address (P4006) is added during the sales order entry.
UDCs for Sales Order Processing
Avalara AvaTax Temporary Order Documents - UDC: 59 / AO
Avalara AvaTax temporary order documents calculate tax but are not saved in AvaTax tax history. It is highly recommended that all order types (sales or purchasing) be setup within UDC where a temporary tax calculation is desired. Order types NOT configured within UDC will bypass Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation, same as placing a 9 in the Special Handling Code of UDC value. Permanent tax calculations (saved in AvaTax tax history) normally occurs at invoicing (sales tax) or voucher matching (use tax), while remainder of processes calculates tax on a temporary basis and does not save in tax history. To pass specific DocType values or bypass Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation for certain order document types place the following value within special handling code field:
Use Special Handling to set if the order type is an Avalara AvaTax SalesOrder, ReturnOrder or PurchaseOrder:
Special Handling = "1" -> SalesOrder, Contract, Service, and Warranty Billing
Special Handling = "2" -> ReturnOrder
Special Handling = "3" -> PurchaseOrder
Special Handling = "9" -> Bypass Avalara AvaTax
Default (Not Configured) = Bypass Avalara AvaTax
Provide all sales and purchase order types that will calculate tax in a temporary manner.
Avalara AvaTax Permanent Invoice Documents - UDC: 59 / AI
Avalara AvaTax permanent invoice documents calculate tax and save information in AvaTax tax history. It is highly recommended that all invoice/voucher types (sales or purchasing) be setup within UDC where a permanent tax calculation is desired. Invoice/voucher types NOT configured within UDC will bypass Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation, same as placing a 9 in the Special Handling Code of UDC value. Permanent tax calculations (saved in AvaTax tax history) normally occurs at invoicing (sales tax) or voucher matching (use tax), while remainder of processes calculates tax on a temporary basis and does not save in tax history. To pass specific DocType values or bypass Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation for certain invoice document types place the following value within special handling code field:
Use Special Handling to set if the invoice type is Avalara AvaTax SalesInvoice, ReturnInvoice or PurchaseInvoice:
Special Handling = "1" -> SalesInvoice, Contract, Service, and Warranty Billing
Special Handling = "2" -> ReturnInvoice
Special Handling = "3" -> PurchaseInvoice
Special Handling = "9" -> Bypass Avalara AvaTax
Default (Not Configured) = Bypass Avalara AvaTax
Provide all sales invoice and purchase order voucher match types that will calculate tax in a permanent manner.
Avalara AvaTax Country Validation - UDC: 59 / AT
To execute Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation, set which ship to countries are eligible during sales order processing and invoice processing. By setting eligible tax calculation countries in UDC the Avalara AvaTax Get Tax functionality will be executed. Additionally, set the special handling field related to country to specify which date will be passed to the Get Tax calculation for credit order returns. Specify the special handling field as follows:
Use Special Handling to set the override date for credit memo returns:
<blank> = Invoice Date of Original Order
1 = Promised Date of Original Order
2 = Date Today of credit memo
Avalara AvaTax Tax Code for Item - UDC: 41 / ?? (User Defined Code table is dependent on ATTAXCODE constant value setting)
User Defined Code (UDC) table utilized to fetch tax code associated to JD Edwards second item number. Tax code is fetched from Special Handling Code field within the UDC table. Refer to Tax Code Definition section of guide for further explanation.
Advanced Pricing Report Code- UDC: 45 / ?? (User Defined Code table is dependent on ATADJ constant value setting)
User Defined Code (UDC) table utilized to fetch tax code to be used when processing detached pricing adjustment(s).