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Sales Tax Connector

Tax Processing Console

Tax Provider Settings

Within Tax Processing Console, the Tax provider settings are used to configure behaviors related to the tax provider network connection. Some of these settings can be set at System level and other at specific Workspace Level.

Below please see the Tax Settings set at the System level.

Tax Provider Settings that are Workspace specific are: AvaTax Provider Level Tracing (Enable or disable AvaTax tracing functionality for the current Workspace), Request Retry (The number of additional attempts that you want to re-execute an action when error, to send the Get Tax transaction, ), and Request Retry Delay (is the number of seconds that there will be between one attempt and another).


Tax Provider Connections

Tax Provider Connections are used to configure connection details to the tax provider network. Multi-Environment support: a different connection can be defined for each JDE Environment.


API Integration

An application authorization or API Access Token is a unique generated token that authorizes a third-party software to consume the Tax Processing API Services. When adding an API token the following fields are available: API Token (Secure encrypted string for validation), Usage Mode (Development or Live mode, it must match the Tax connection), Status (Control API Token usability) and Expiration Date (The Token stills valid until the defined date. After that, the token is invalid for API Services calls).


IP Access Permissions

This menu option allows you to control which IP addresses have permission to execute transactions through the Tax Processing API Services.  The Tax Processing Console is designed to support single IPV4 and IPV6 addresses. IPV6 addresses must be entered without the scope ID.

Bring It All Together

We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.