Constants Settings
Within SmarterCommerce Constants Settings application (PQ670004) configure the following required constants necessary for Avalara AvaTax Get Tax calculation.
Item Category Code to Get Tax Code
Used during Warranty and Service Billing. The Item Category Code used to Get Tax Code for the item.
Libcurl Timeout in Seconds
Libcurl is used anytime transactions are submitted through the Curl library. This constant is used to override the time (in seconds) to wait for a response. If the constant is blank then the default is 30 seconds.
Libcurl Timeout in Seconds
AvaTax Latitude
Determines if longitude and latitude will be used for address information during AvaTax calculations.
Adjustment Category Code
The category code that will be used to retrieve the tax code to be used or detached adjustments.
AvaTax Hold Code for Tax Revision
Sales > Settings
In Digital Commerce when an error is encountered attempting to calculate tax a message will be shown alerting the web user that tax could not be calculated and the order may be subject to tax later. In Point of Sale when tax cannot be calculated a message will be shown and the process stopped. With permissions the POS user may continue. If the error is bypassed, the order will not go on this hold.