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Payment Processing

ACH Payment Status

Because the ACH network operates only on banking days (not on banking holidays), Forte settles at 7 p.m. the night before each banking day: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7 p.m. Payments submitted Thursday after 7 p.m. are not sent for settlement until Sunday at 7 p.m.  Moreover, to help manage returns a three-business-day delay is typically used between the parts of the payment. You and Forte agree to this period when setting up your Forte ACH Payment account. 

This timetable describes a typical successful Business-to-Business sale/debit payment, in which a customer pays a company with an ACH payment, and the Forte ACH Payment account is configured for three posting days. 

Day 1 You initiate an ACH payment and submit a payment to Forte. Forte validates the payment format and initiates the customer side of the payment. Payments are batched at 7 PM for each day that is prior to a banking day (normally Sunday through Thursday).  

Day 2 The ODFI (ODFI is a financial institution that initiates and warrants electronic payments through the ACH network on behalf of its customers. Forte connects to an ODFI to implement ACH service.) submits the payment to the ACH Network operator (Federal Reserve). The customer's bank account is debited. This is the first day of the three posting days. 

Day 3 This is a waiting day. 

Day 4 This is the third day of the three posting days. Forte initiates the merchant side of the payment. Payments are batched at the end of each day prior to a banking day and at 7 p.m (normally Sunday through Thursday). 

Day 5 The ODFI submits the payment to the ACH Network operator (Federal Reserve) and your bank account is credited. For information on how to update the ACH status in your records please review the ACH Payment Status Update section of this manual.

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