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Management Console Store

Importing Product Content

As an alternative to manually adding product content you may choose to import product content information.  To begin press the Download Product Content Template action and enter the product content information into the downloaded template. Then, upload the file using the Import Product Content action.

Product content sections will be created in exactly the same sequence as they appear in the template file. If product content already exists for a product in the upload file the existing content will be cleared before the new content is uploaded.

Main Content
Name Explanation
Product Number The product number for the content using the Display Product Number configured in Management Console.
Shared Content

Determines if the product content is shared across all stores



Description 1 A description for the product - required.
Description 2 & 3 A second description line for the product.
Priority Priority determines how the products are sorted within a catalog.  Higher priority products  are seen first.
HTML Content HTML content describing the product. This content will be displayed at top of the Ecommerce Product Catalog Product Content web page.
External URL Used to identify the URL page location of a product when an External Catalog is in use.
Name Explanation
Product Number The product number (using display product number which is configured in the Management Console).
Title Section title.
HTML Content HTML content for the specific content section (paragraph).
Status Content section can be active by date range or Inactive.
Effective Date The date when the section is effective.
Expiration Date The date when the section becomes expired.

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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.