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Most Viewed Products

It can be helpful when you are targeting sales of your merchandise to know which of your products are viewed most often by your customers.  Most viewed products gives you the ability to track trends in which products your customers are viewing on your website.

Each time a products is viewed a "hit" counter is increased.  As the counter goes up we interpret that as the product being viewed more and more often.  Only products that exist in the Products module will be updated. Hits are registered for each of the following processes.  Also, in Elasticsearch the total_hits field is updated.

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      There may come a time when you wish to weight a specific product.  When you weight the product you manually increase the hits for the product to raise where it stands on your most viewed products list. To update a most viewed product record navigate to SmarterCommerce|Other|Most Viewed Products and locate the record you would like to edit.  Go to content.  Please note that you will only be able to edit the following fields below.  Once the fields have been updated the event is intercepted and the product in Elasticsearch is updated with the modified values.

      Display on Website



      When a most viewed product record is deleted the event is intercepted and the product in Elasticsearch is updated with the following values:

      Hits: 0

      Weight: 0

      DisplayOnWebsite: false

      Bring It All Together

      We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.