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Create an Attribute Value

Once you have created an attribute you create value(s) for the attribute before associating that attribute to product(s). To create value(s) for an existing attribute navigate to SmarterCommerce|Products Management|Attributes and then click on the attribute row. Now, click on Create an Attribute Value. The information requested will be different and specific to the attribute type you selected. Once the information has been entered you will have the option to Save as Draft or Publish.


Name Explanation Required Requirements
Code (Value)

Attribute value code. For matrix products a code is required and the Sitefinity URL cannot be used. This is because the Sitefinity URL has certain format rules, and the code field must match the JDE value.

Description Attribute value description. Yes
Sequence Defines the attribute value sequence.  Yes
Hexadecimal1 Available if the Display Mode is Color or if Display Mode is Image and Display as Color Swatch is selected. No
Hexadecimal2 Available if the Display Mode is Color or if Display Mode is Image and Display as Color Swatch is selected. No
Image Available if the Display Mode is Image. No
Code Override Value Available when its Parent Attribute is Matrix and the Display Mode is Code. No
Value Group Related value group. No
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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.