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Creating a New Attribute

To create a new attribute navigate to SmarterCommerce|Products Management|Attributes and click Create an Attribute. Enter the information as described below.  Once the information is entered you may choose to Save as Draft or Publish.

Name Explanation Required Requirements
Name For internal search purposes within the backend maintenance. This will not be the name displayed on the website. Yes
Attribute Mode

Choose either SmarterCommerce or Matrix:

SmarterCommerce - SmarterCommerce attribute. Select if you want to add attributes to a product that are not matrix attributes in your ERP.

Matrix - Matrix attributes from your ERP. Select if you want to extend a matrix attribute from your ERP 

Matrix Template

Displayed only if Mode is Matrix. Select from a dropdown list that shows the template names based on the matrix products that are already loaded in the module.

Style Segment

Displayed only if Mode is Matrix. Select from a dropdown list that shows the style names based on the matrix products that are already loaded in the module. You can also select “*” for the style. In this case the attribute will be used for all products that have the same template, no matter the style.

Segment Number

Displayed only if Mode is Matrix. Options are Segment list from Products Module filtering by the selected template.

Display Mode Determines if the attribute will be displayed as a Description, Image, Code, and Color. No
Display Name This is the attribute name that will be displayed on the website. Yes
Display as Color Swatch (Product Listing)

Available if the Display Mode is Image for Matrix attribute. Defines if in the widgets that show product listings the attribute is displayed as a color swatch instead of images. 

Display as Dropdown Select (Product Content)

Displayed only if Mode is Matrix. Defines if in Product Content widget the attribute is displayed as a dropdown select. This property is used in the Product Content widget only when the product is a Matrix Product.

Display as filter

Check this option to display the attribute as a filter option in the Catalog and Search Results widgets.

Display as content Check this option to display the attribute in the Product Content and Compare widgets. No
Index Search Field

Available if the attribute is displayed as filter.

This is the field name for the attribute in App Search/Elastic.

Use the following naming conventions for field names:

- Fields must be lower case.

- Use underscores for combining words.

- Field cannot contain more than 64 characters.

- Fields cannot be deleted or edited once they have been created.

The value for this field is auto populated based on the attribute name but the user can change it. This value is calculated following the naming convention for fields mentioned above.

Once the value is entered and saved, the value cannot be edited.

There could be multiple attributes using the same IndexSearchPosition. For example, if there is an attribute SizeShirts with values S, M and L, and another attribute SizePants with values 28, 30, and 32. Both attributes could be stored in the same App Search/Elastic field. In App Search you may have up to 64 fields.

Enable multiselect Available if the attribute is displayed as filter. Allows the user to select ore than one value at a time. No
Sequence Defines the attribute sequence.  No
Additional Information

Public-facing message that appears when you hover over the question-mark icon next to the attribute (in the form of a tooltip). This is typically used to provide additional information about or define the attribute. Appears in the Product Content widget and Compare Products widget.

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