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Payment Processing

Sales Order with Payment Terms

Payment terms discount are displayed/hidden on the Credit Card Payments screen based on configuration. If payment terms discount is enabled then the discount will be shown on screen and deducted from the Amount Due. Below are the steps for entering an order using payment terms discount.

Step 1

If credit card processing is desired during sales order entry, be sure to select the payment instrument (i.e. ‘?’) allowing for credit card prepayment processing utilizing the SmarterCommerce interactive credit card authorization process. Please note that the Payment Term entered will determine the discount seen on the Credit Card Payments screen, if any.

Step 2

Complete all sales order detailed lines within the sales order detail revisions application.  Once all sales order detail lines are complete press OK to go to order acceptance screen.  Then, click CC Processing to continue to the Credit Card Payments screen.  

Step 3

Now, you will have several options available to pay for the order.  For more details on these options review them in the Overview section. Please note that the payment terms discount is seen in the Discount field.

Step 4

Once a payment has been made be sure to click Update as needed and then click OK to save the order.

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