Ecommerce Settings
Web | POS | EIPP | ||
Notify web user when profile information is changed from website | Determines if an email will be sent to the user when web account has changed from the website. | |||
Notify web user when profile information is changed from Management Console | Determines if an email will be sent when profile is changed from within Management Console.
Cross Reference Type for Customer Product Number | JD Edwards item cross reference type code representing customer item number. | |||
Notify Sales Person when a customer places an order | Notify Sales Person when a customer places a sales order or quote. Sales Person will receive a copy of the order confirmation email. Value can be: Always notify, Notify based on Sales Person web account preference, Do not notify. When notifications are sent all sales people that are related with the customer will receive the email. |
Display announcements from last n days | Indicates the number of days an announcement will be displayed past its published date. If 0 then all announcements will be displayed. |
Abandon Cart - 1st Notice | The number of days after cart is abandoned that 1st notification should be sent. | |||
Abandon Cart - 2nd Notice | The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the second email notification. |
Abandon Cart - 3rd Notice | The number of days after a cart is abandoned to send the third email notification. |
Delete Persistent Shopping Carts Older Than n Days | The maximum number of days a persistent cart should remain in your system. Leave this field blank to inactivate this functionality.