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Default Permissions

This menu option is available from Web store and EPayments stores only.

Default permissions provide an automatic way to apply starting permissions to individuals or companies registering for the first time.  Configure the options desired to be applied to web users during registration on individual and/or company tabs as seen below.  These options are set at the Base and therefore will apply to all stores in the environment unless overrides are entered at the store level. 

Check the allow permission check box for each permission to be allowed and applied to the registering web account user.  Checking the allow permission check box for the "User is an administrator" option will allow the web account user to update permissions on a self-service basis through your website.  To allow self-service administration for certain permissions but not others check the disable change of permission check box for those permissions that the account administrator will not be able to update on a self-service basis via the website.

Account Administrator
With permission Administrator may modify permissions for contacts.
Add Products to Cart
Determines if the web user is allowed to see the add to cart button.  If this permission is off the web user will still be able to browse your catalog, but they won't be able to place anything in their cart for purchase. 
View Pricing Information
Determines if the web user is allowed to see pricing and price break information. If the web user does not have permission they can still browse your catalog, but they won't see pricing.
Allow User to Place Orders
If the user does not have permission to place orders then the place order option is hidden.
View Account Balance
If the web user does not have permission to View Account Balance then Account Balance option is hidden.
View Shopping History
If the web user does not have permission to view order history then Shopping History option is hidden.
View Invoice History
If web user does not have permission to View Invoice History then the user is redirected to an internal error page where an error message is displayed. (“You are not authorized to execute this action”).
Modify Cross Reference
Designates if the web user can modify cross reference products.
Pay Invoices
Determines if the web user is allowed to pay invoices.
Schedule Invoice Payments
Determines if the web user will be allowed to schedule (future) payments.
Work With Saved Carts
If the web user does not have permission to work with saved carts then widget is not displayed.
Return Orders
Determines if the web user is allowed to create return orders. 
View Returns History
If the web user does not have permission to view returns history then Returns History option is hidden.
Modify Bill To Address
If the does not have permission to modify the bill to address then the user can edit only shipping instructions. If user is a company then Company Preferences can also be edited. This permission does not impact phone maintenance.
Modify Bill To Phone
If the web user does not have permission to modify bill to phones then edit and delete options are hidden.
Add Bill To Phone
If user does not have permission to add bill to phones then add new option is hidden.
View Ship Tos
If the web user does not have permission to view ship tos then the link to the list is displayed as a label (not linkable) and the total ship tos is hidden.
Add Ship To
If the user does not have permission to add new ship tos the option is hidden.
Modify Ship To Address
If the web user does not have permission to modify ship tos then the user can edit only the nickname and the shipping instructions.
Change Default Ship To
If the user has no permission to change default ship to then the option is disabled.
Order Ship to Address Override
Determines if the web user can add a ship to address override.
View Credit Cards on File
If web user does not have the permission to view credit cards on file then the section is hidden.
Add Credit Card
If user does not have permission to add new credit cards the option is hidden.
Modify Credit Cards
If the user navigates to this view in edit mode and does not have permission to modify credit cards then the user is redirected to an error page.
View Bank Accounts on File
If the user does not have permission to view bank accounts on file then this section is hidden.
Add New Bank Accounts On File
Determines if web user has permission to add new bank accounts on file.
Modify Bank Accounts On File
Determines if the web user has permission to modify bank accounts on file (ACH).
Modify Orders
Allow user to Modify Orders
Insert Line in Modify order
If the user does not have permission then they cannot add/insert a new line into an existing order.  
Cancel Line in Modify order
If the user does not have permission to cancel lines in modify order then the option is hidden.
Quote Order Entry
Determines if the web user is allowed to create quotes.
Quote Order Conversion to Sales Order
If the web user does not have permission to convert quotes then the user is redirected to an internal error page where an error message is displayed. (“You are not authorized to execute this action”).
If the user does not have permission to view Memberships then this section is hidden.
Join/Renew Memberships
Determines if the user will have the ability to join or renew their memberships.
Edit Memberships
Allow the user to edit their memberships.
Sales Person Continue Buying for Yourself
With this permission, a sales person may choose to shop and buy items from your site for their own use. Without this permission they may not shop on behalf of themselves and instead shop only on behalf of their related clients.

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